[AMY SAYS] EP#477 – 10 Ways to Boost Your Self-Love

[AMY SAYS] EP#477 – 10 Ways to Boost Your Self-Love

Flip through Insta or Facebook and you’ll find a litany of “Love Yourself” and “Just Think Positive” memes and you’re likely over here like, “Lemme get right on that.” When you’ve been struggling to simply accept yourself, actually loving yourself can feel like it would take an act of god. Perhaps you see super confident people and wonder how the hell they actually like themselves so much? Like, how can I get a piece of what she’s having? 

Here’s the problem: No one ever teaches you how to love yourself… or speak kindly to yourself… or pay attention to your needs. Lucky for you, I’ve put together 10 simple things you can start doing TODAY to help catapult your journey of self-love. [Hint: It’s actually not about finding the perfect job or the perfect mate that allows you to start loving yourself. #spoileralert

This pod explores:

  • How to make sure you have time for YOU on your calendar
  • How to make friends with the voices in your head
  • How pride can actually be one of the biggest supporters of self-love
  • Why you MUST pay attention to your own personal development


wanna hang with me in Mexico?


Let’s go to Mexico, Baby!! Wanna hang out in real life? And learn how to establish boundaries and believe in your own worthiness? And connect with like-minded badasses who are dying to be in your corner? And eat amazing food in a #gorge paradise? Of course, you do!

APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN for my all-inclusive, IN-PERSON retreat held at a luxe, boutique resort in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico! But, act fast because space is extremely limited!

[I’M] ENOUGH ALREADY Retreat will teach you everything you need to know to finally feel ‘enough’, let go of your past (hello, forgiveness!), and gain some super-human self-confidence!

This retreat will rapidly sell out, so JUMP IN while you can! Go HERE or click that fancy image to secure your spot in paradise! Can’t wait to hug you #IRL!



This podcast is sponsored by LetsGetChecked and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get a whoppin’ 30% off their first test kit of choice at trylgc.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!!

Getting necessary medical testing can be simple, safe, and easily done in the privacy of your own home. Check out this killer offer from LetsGetChecked and save 30% on your first test kit! Check it out ~>




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[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#476 – Self-Love and Feeling Good Naked with Chardét Ryel

[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#476 – Self-Love and Feeling Good Naked with Chardét Ryel

If you’re anything like me, it’s likely you don’t know one woman who isn’t at least mildly concerned about what her body looks like. Our society and culture have created a very strong and lasting message that the value placed on women is in their appearance: how thin, how beautiful, and often how white they can be. What a sad, small box we’ve been placed into and I, for one, get so fucking livid about how much time I spend worrying about my insecurities that are making other people rich. Especially when I could use that brain power to build my empire, amiright!?

So, where does one start? How do you start making peace with the body you reside in and move toward a loving relationship with yourself? Do you just chant a bunch of body positive affirmations in the mirror and hope for a magical shift? Not exactly. On this week’s show, I dial up Chardét Ryel, an author, wellness entrepreneur and Behaviour Change Specialist, empowering women globally with body confidence and well-being stripped of the rules. Hello! Let’s get some of that.

In this conversation, Chardét and I talk about how important it is to analyze your motivation behind your pull to work out, eat “healthy”, and make changes to your appearance. We also discuss the concept of “acceptance” and how so many of us want to jump straight to loving ourselves without doing the work necessary to simply remain neutral. She also walks us through her signature 7-step process to feeling good in your nakedness! You in? Let’s go.

This pod explores:

  • Understanding what diet culture actually IS and how it disempowers women and women of color in particular
  • Chardét’s 7-step process to feeling good naked (and why it’s about FEELING and not LOOKING good)
  • The #1 question you must ask yourself if you want to get anywhere in your body love process
  • Chardét’s favorite assignment for those wanting to accept and love their body (and why most people reeeeeally resist doing it)


wanna hang with me in Mexico?


Let’s go to Mexico, Baby!! Wanna hang out in real life? And learn how to establish boundaries and believe in your own worthiness? And connect with like-minded badasses who are dying to be in your corner? And eat amazing food in a #gorge paradise? Of course, you do!

APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN for my all-inclusive, IN-PERSON retreat held at a luxe, boutique resort in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico! But, act fast because space is extremely limited!

[I’M] ENOUGH ALREADY Retreat will teach you everything you need to know to finally feel ‘enough’, let go of your past (hello, forgiveness!), and gain some super-human self-confidence!

This retreat will rapidly sell out, so JUMP IN while you can! Go HERE or click that fancy image to secure your spot in paradise! Can’t wait to hug you #IRL!



This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get 10% off their first month at betterhelp.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!!

Join the millions of people who have found huge relief and support from BetterHelp therapists and save on your first month while you’re at it! Check it out ~>




this week’s ‘dial an expert’ guestie

Chardét is an author, wellness entrepreneur and Behaviour Change Specialist, empowering women globally with body confidence and well-being stripped of the rules. She is the host of the Feel Good Nakd podcast for women and founder of Corpão Fitness, a Brazilian-inspired wellness brand.

Connect with Chardét on Insta.


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At the start of every year, it’s likely you get pumped up and excited to make some serious change. You decide on a handful of things that you are GOING to conquer this year, god-damn-it! But what actually makes those goals a reality

Throughout my 12+ years in this work, I have found that noble intentions have very little to do with bringing goals to fruition. Good ol’ fashioned gumption and desire are not enough to make your dreams come true. [sad trombone] In fact, a recent Inc.com article indicated that only 8% of people actually accomplish their goals. WHOA!! 8%!? Well, fuck. 

But, wait

Never fear, Babycakes, because this episode targets seven ways people tend to sabotage their own goals (without even realizing it) and how you can set yourself up to slaaaaay all your goals. It’s not rocket science, but if you employ some of these easy tactics, you will kill all your 2023 goals! Yes, please! 

This pod explores:

  • My favorite tool to use to ensure you are tackling this goal for YOU (instead of mom/fam/boss/society)
  • The number one way people lose steam while working towards a goal and how you can smoothly move beyond this obstacle like a BOSS
  • Why you need accountability and people in your life to support you and what to do if you don’t
  • How to keep your self-talk on point so you are constantly encouraged, kicking ass, and taking names


wanna hang with me in Mexico?


Let’s go to Mexico, Baby!! Wanna hang out in real life? And learn how to establish boundaries and believe in your own worthiness? And connect with like-minded badasses who are dying to be in your corner? And eat amazing food in a #gorge paradise? Of course, you do!

APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN for my all-inclusive, IN-PERSON retreat held at a luxe, boutique resort in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico! But, act fast because space is extremely limited!

[I’M] ENOUGH ALREADY Retreat will teach you everything you need to know to finally feel ‘enough’, let go of your past (hello, forgiveness!), and gain some super-human self-confidence!

This retreat will rapidly sell out, so JUMP IN while you can! Go HERE or click that fancy image to secure your spot in paradise! Can’t wait to hug you #IRL!



This podcast is sponsored by LetsGetChecked and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get a whoppin’ 30% off their first test kit of choice at trylgc.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!!

Getting necessary medical testing can be simple, safe, and easily done in the privacy of your own home. Check out this killer offer from LetsGetChecked and save 30% on your first test kit! Check it out ~>




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If you’re like most people, you have an overwhelming sense of excitement and ambition come the new year. Also like most people, perhaps you hit Jan with a fire under your ass, but when Feb rolls around you have slowly begun to lose steam, fervor, and action. Also, 2022 kicked many of our asses, so there’s that to contend with. Many people (and maybe YOU) enter the New Year with many plans and intentions, but somehow end up a bit off track sooner than later.

In this episode, I address the biggest obstacles people unknowingly establish for themselves when crafting New Year’s goals and “resolutions”. Yep, you read that right… many people actually make their job a shit-ton harder by not setting themselves up for success to begin with. I also share my personal planning tool I use to ensure I establish solid goals in aaaaall areas of my life (not just fitness and money… but, yes, those too). Be sure to grab your free planning guide so you can plan and organize a seriously epic 2023 by figuring out what categories in which you would like to make headway. Plus, you’ll have sexy, little worksheets to record all your brilliance!

This pod explores:

  • The two biggest mistakes people make when crafting goals for the new year
  • How to assess where you are in your life now and where you want to be in a year’s time
  • How to create goals that are really about YOUR fulfillment, are totally attainable, and light you up
  • Why you probably don’t want to celebrate your 2022 accomplishments, but you kinda, absolutely MUST




Did you grab your free planning guide that accompanies this episode? Get on it, Babycakes! Here’s the deal: our brain takes things waaaaay more seriously when we get out of our heads and get our thoughts/commitments out on paper. It’s like, science.

So, OF COURSE I want you to make some serious changes and make shit happen in 2023, so be sure you have your Pod #474 planning guide with you while you (re) listen to this pod so you can get into some serious action. Trust… if you just listen and don’t DO, you’re not going to change a damn thing.

So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR or click that image to the right to get your freebies sent directly to your inbox! #yourewelcom


wanna hang with me in Mexico?


Let’s go to Mexico, Baby!! Wanna hang out in real life? And learn how to establish boundaries and believe in your own worthiness? And connect with like-minded badasses who are dying to be in your corner? And eat amazing food in a #gorge paradise? Of course, you do!

APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN for my all-inclusive, IN-PERSON retreat held at a luxe, boutique resort in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico! But, act fast because space is extremely limited!

[I’M] ENOUGH ALREADY Retreat will teach you everything you need to know to finally feel ‘enough’, let go of your past (hello, forgiveness!), and gain some super-human self-confidence!

This retreat will rapidly sell out, so JUMP IN while you can! Go HERE or click that fancy image to secure your spot in paradise! Can’t wait to hug you #IRL!



This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get 10% off their first month at betterhelp.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!!

Join the millions of people who have found huge relief and support from BetterHelp therapists and save on your first month while you’re at it! Check it out ~>


additional resources:


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  • Click the “Subscribe on Apple Podcasts” button below or go HERE
  • Click on blue button that reads “view in Apple Podcasts” which will open the podcast into your personal Apple Podcasts account
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[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#473 – Understanding Menopause, Hormones, and Graceful Aging with Dana La Voie

[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#473 – Understanding Menopause, Hormones, and Graceful Aging with Dana La Voie

As we grow through our teen years into adulthood, it’s not uncommon to find a wealth of information about puberty, pregnancy, and infertility. Those transitions and obstacles are readily talked about and addressed. But, our shifts in hormones are clearly not done after our thirties and sadly, our society has done women a massive disservice in not properly setting us up with education and tools to navigate perimenopause and menopause… or even how to know if they’re happening for you or not. 

Add on the extreme stress of juggling careers, parenthood, ailing parents, and relationship struggles and many women find themselves in front of their doctors asking what the hell is happening to them. And sadly, the common western medical sentiment is to simply ride it out, lessen your stress (gag!), or start hormone therapy. There’s got to be a better way! [infomercial voice]

Fortunately, there is. This week on the show, I dial up Dana La Voie, a Tonic Herbalist & Acupuncturist who has spent her career helping women balance their hormones naturally. She has over 20 years of experience specializing in women’s health and an over 90% success rate of getting women menopause relief. I mean… Yes, please! Have a listen to this convo where I ask Dana all the things about what it actually means to support one’s hormones through menopause, how to understand the evolutionary reason for this transition, and how this can actually be one of the best times of your life. (I know. It blew me away too.)

This pod explores:

  • Understanding the “three best friends” of hormones and how to makes sure they *stay* friends (instead of enemies)
  • How the midlife change in hormones supports your most creative, expansive, and wise chapter of life
  • How to lessen the negative effects of menopause and supply your body with what it needs 
  • Dana’s secret key to healthy aging (don’t miss this!)




I have three battle-tested (and badass) keynote speeches that are ready to be delivered to your company, organization, group, or association. If you or anyone you know could benefit from me droppin’ some gems (um, like, who couldn’t use some new tools?) please send them to THIS FANCY INFO PAGE on my site where you/they can message me directly about specific needs.



This podcast is sponsored by LetsGetChecked and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get a whoppin’ 30% off their first test kit of choice at trylgc.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!!

Getting necessary medical testing can be simple, safe, and easily done in the privacy of your own home. Check out this killer offer from LetsGetChecked and save 30% on your first test kit! Check it out ~>



With 20 years of experience specializing in women’s health and an over 90% success rate of getting women menopause relief, Dana LaVoie wants more women to know their options for managing menopause and healthy aging naturally – the things their doctor’s not talking about.

More than anything, she wants more women to know how to keep menopause and aging from interfering with their careers, home life, and dreams. She believes every woman deserves to feel vibrant, alive, and great at every age (no matter what their hormones are doing!)

As a Tonic Herbalist & Acupuncturist, Dana has spent her career helping women balance their hormones naturally with over 10K client visits and hundreds of women in her online programs & coaching.

And when not on the computer you’ll find Dana working in the garden, building things with her partner in their backyard, playing her guitar, hiking, biking, or paddling… And slowly becoming more of a world traveler.

Connect with Dana on her website and grab her 10 Ways To Reduce Inflammation.




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[DIAL A NON-EXPERT] EP#472 – Forty-Something AF: An Honest Conversation on Midlife + Aging with Andrea Owen

[DIAL A NON-EXPERT] EP#472 – Forty-Something AF: An Honest Conversation on Midlife + Aging with Andrea Owen

When told by older women that she would one day settle into her age and things would get easier, author Kaya Oakes thought, “Apparently at some point I would reach a magical age when I had ‘no fucks left to give.’ But no one had warned me that before I hit that magical age, I’d have to survive my forties.” If it’s not your face falling down, your bladder starting a coup, your hair falling out, or needing waaaaay too much sleep (I mean, this is unreasonable, isn’t it?), then it’s dealing with feeling invisible, grappling with your identity shifts, and wondering if it’s only going to get worse.

Now don’t get me wrong, I know I have it easy. I know being in my forties is far from the end of the world. But something is for sure changing and I don’t hear a bunch of folks talking about it. In fact, when I look at social media, television, or other media, middle-age women seem to be visible only when advertising fiber supplements. Try searching any stock photo site for middle-age women and you’ll get a ton of women in their nineties… almost like we’ve been erased. 

In this candid and very non-expert discussion, I chat with my very best friend, Andrea Owen, on what we’ve been processing as we process changes of mid-life. This episode is an inside look into two 40-somethings discussing what it feels like to constantly advocate for your health, reckon with physical changes, and what we actually love most about aging. If you’ve been wandering around like, “What is this body!? What is this life!?” then pull up an ear, my friend. You are not alone.

This pod explores:

  • Understanding the “ambiguous grief” of navigating changes in your forties
  • The currency of beauty and youth in our culture and how that affects you as you age
  • How we each approach feminism as we find botox and fillers more appealing
  • The connection between the personal growth industry and being transparent about middle age




I have three battle-tested (and badass) keynote speeches that are ready to be delivered to your company, organization, group, or association. If you or anyone you know could benefit from me droppin’ some gems (um, like, who couldn’t use some new tools?) please send them to THIS FANCY INFO PAGE on my site where you/they can message me directly about specific needs.



This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get 10% off their first month at betterhelp.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!!

Join the millions of people who have found huge relief and support from BetterHelp therapists and save on your first month while you’re at it! Check it out ~>



Andrea Owen is an author, global keynote speaker, and professional certified life coach who helps high-achieving women maximize unshakeable confidence, and master resilience. She has taught hundreds of thousands of women tools and strategies to be able to empower themselves to live their most kick-ass life through keynote speaking, her books, coaching, and her wildly popular podcast with close to 4 million downloads.

She is the proud author of three books including the newly updated and expanded How To Stop Feeling Like Shit: 14 Habits That Are Holding You Back From Happiness (Seal Press/Hachette Books) which has been translated into 19 languages and is available in 23 countries. Andrea is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) from The Coaches Training Institute, a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation, a SHE RECOVERS® coach, as well as a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator; a modality based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown.

When she’s not juggling her full coaching practice or writing books, Andrea is busy riding her Peloton bike, hanging out with her two teenagers, or making out with her husband, Jason. 

Learn more about Andrea at andreaowen.com and join the fun and wisdom at facebook.com/heyandreaowen and instagram.com/heyandreaowen.




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  • You can also click “Subscribe” under the podcast photo to be automatically notified of new episodes


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[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#471 – Embracing Mid-life with Jennifer Arthurton

[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#471 – Embracing Mid-life with Jennifer Arthurton

If you are a woman in your 40s or 50s or beyond, it’s likely you’ve been slapped in the face with the realization of how emphatically our society values youth and beauty. You’re cruisin’ along, building a career, maybe raising some kids, and then BOOM! Everything gets thrown out of whack, your eggs shrivel up, and you’re wondering who’s body is this anyway? And, also am I fucking invisible?

Navigating midlife isn’t really something we’re set up for… I mean, think about it. We get tons of “shoulds” about going to college, getting the good job, buying the house, having the family, etc. and then what? Once you’ve checked off all the boxes, you stand around wondering, Is this really all there is? I thought this was supposed to be the part where I’m happy!

This week on the show, I dial up Jennifer Arthurton, the founder and creator of Old Chicks Know Shit, a community and a podcast designed to inspire and support midlife women in chasing their dreams and creating their kick ass next chapter. In this candid conversation we chat about the Midlife Paradox, what to do if you keep thinking “I’m not where I thought I would be at this point in my life,” and how Jennifer reinvented herself after a difficult midlife breakdown. As she was approaching 50, she found herself divorced, unemployed, and bed-ridden from a stress-induced illness with zero idea of what direction to take her life. Have a listen and find out how she used this crucial moment to pivot into the most rewarding chapter of her life and how you can do the same.

This pod explores:

  • How Jennifer’s “Three S’s” tool can help you figure out what your next chapter will look like… even if you currently have no idea
  • What “The Maven Years” are and how to embrace your journey through mid-life
  • Jennifer’s “Mid-life Must-Haves” and how to let go of society tell us about women 50+The blessing in feeling “invisible” as you age (Wait, what!? I know)


wanna hang with me in Mexico?


Let’s go to Mexico, Baby!! Wanna hang out in real life? And learn how to establish boundaries and believe in your own worthiness? And connect with like-minded badasses who are dying to be in your corner? And eat amazing food in a #gorge paradise? Of course, you do!

APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN for my all-inclusive, IN-PERSON retreat held at a luxe, boutique resort in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico! But, act fast because space is extremely limited!

[I’M] ENOUGH ALREADY Retreat will teach you everything you need to know to finally feel ‘enough’, let go of your past (hello, forgiveness!), and gain some super-human self-confidence!

This retreat will rapidly sell out, so JUMP IN while you can! Go HERE or click that fancy image to secure your spot in paradise! Can’t wait to hug you #IRL!



This podcast is sponsored by LetsGetChecked and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get a whoppin’ 30% off their first test kit of choice at trylgc.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!!

Getting necessary medical testing can be simple, safe, and easily done in the privacy of your own home. Check out this killer offer from LetsGetChecked and save 30% on your first test kit! Check it out ~>


this week’s ‘dial an expert’ guestie

Jennifer Arthurton is the founder and creator of Old Chicks Know Sh*t, a community and a podcast designed to inspire and support midlife women in chasing their dreams and creating their kick ass next chapter. Jennifer is a midlife mentor, podcast host, writer and speaker. Having made her own midlife course corrections, she has a passion for helping other women uncover the inherent power and wisdom of a time of life when they often feel overlooked and doubt themselves most.

Jennifer regularly appears as a guest on blogs and podcasts and as a speaker at women’s events. Connect with Jennifer on Insta or Facebook.




How to Leave Apple Podcasts Reviews:

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  • Click on blue button that reads “view in Apple Podcasts” which will open the podcast into your personal Apple Podcasts account
  • Click “Ratings & Reviews” under the show title
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  • You can also click “Subscribe” under the podcast photo to be automatically notified of new episodes


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[AMY SAYS] EP#470 – 6 Ways to Manage + Recover from Holiday Stress

[AMY SAYS] EP#470 – 6 Ways to Manage + Recover from Holiday Stress

Even though the holiday season is supposed to be all merry and bright and full of glad tidings, it’s quite certain that you’ve found yourself engaged with total overwhelm, buckling from the stress, and dangerously approaching burnout. Although fun and festive, it can take a sheer act of god to keep you from losing your ever-lovin’ mind during the chaos of this time of year, amiright!?

If it’s not the multitude of gifts to buy or the food to prep, then it’s surely the family drama or workplace obligations that bring you to your breaking point. And while you’re spending money on shit you don’t want to buy or baking food for people you don’t even enjoy very much, you find yourself wondering why the fuck peace on earth has eluded you. But, lord help you if you don’t show up to the office party with the secret santa gift or all hell might break loose if you tell the in-laws you can’t make it this year.

If you have found yourself overloaded by holiday stress and obligations, get ready for a huge sigh of relief. On this week’s show, I sound off on six things you can start doing immediately to relinquish all the holiday overwhelm and chaos so you can actually enjoy the things about this time of year that truly mean the most to you.

This pod explores:

  • How your attachment to things being P E R F E C T may be causing you unnecessary stress and overwhelm
  • My favorite tool to figure out exactly how (and with whom) I want to spend my time and energy
  • How to decline unwanted invitations with the utmost grace and kindness… because you need some downtime, Babycakes!
  • How to not get sucked into other people’s holiday stress and obligations




I have three battle-tested (and badass) keynote speeches that are ready to be delivered to your company, organization, group, or association. If you or anyone you know could benefit from me droppin’ some gems (um, like, who couldn’t use some new tools?) please send them to THIS FANCY INFO PAGE on my site where you/they can message me directly about specific needs.



This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get 10% off their first month at betterhelp.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!!

Join the millions of people who have found huge relief and support from BetterHelp therapists and save on your first month while you’re at it! Check it out ~>




How to Leave Apple Podcasts Reviews:

  • Click the “Subscribe on Apple Podcasts” button below or go HERE
  • Click on blue button that reads “view in Apple Podcasts” which will open the podcast into your personal Apple Podcasts account
  • Click “Ratings & Reviews” under the show title
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  • You can also click “Subscribe” under the podcast photo to be automatically notified of new episodes


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[AMY SAYS] EP#469 – 6 Ways to Deal with Grief During the Holidays

[AMY SAYS] EP#469 – 6 Ways to Deal with Grief During the Holidays

Ever feel like you just can’t quite enjoy the holidays because you’re in the middle of an emotional shitstorm that seems to make the season trying, stressful, and overwhelming? Maybe it’s your first holiday after being newly divorced. Or maybe it’s the fifth Christmas without your beloved mother, and you can’t seem to understand why it’s still so damn hard for you. Or perhaps you just moved your family across the country and although it was an amazing decision for you, you still find yourself incredibly nostalgic, overly emotional, and sensitive.

If any of that sounds familiar, it’s likely that there is something in your world that needs a little processing. (And, no, there’s nothing wrong with you.) Perhaps what’s tugging at you is the need for full-on grieving the loss of a loved one, which feels exacerbated by the sentimental tone of the holiday. Or perhaps it’s as simple as “a case of the blues” because you’ve changed jobs and aren’t able to do the gift exchange with your previous company you were with for ages.

Whatever you may be going through in your life, if you’ve created any changes in patterns, it’s likely there may be a bit (or a shit ton) of emotion to work through… especially during this time of year. Even if you don’t think grief is called for, have a listen through this episode where I share six things you can do to work through all the “feels” you’re having during this temperamental time. And, P.S. Dealing with your feels doesn’t mean you’re weak, too dramatic, or too sensitive. It just means you’re fucking human. And brave.

This pod explores:

  • The real reason why you might be drinking too much, eating too much, or spending too much during the season
  • The best way to set yourself up for success if you KNOW the holidays will make your current life circumstances extra tough
  • How to let go of the past in a powerful way and create a new, empowered meaning behind the season
  • Who you should (and should not) be turning to for support




I have three battle-tested (and badass) keynote speeches that are ready to be delivered to your company, organization, group, or association. If you or anyone you know could benefit from me droppin’ some gems (um, like, who couldn’t use some new tools?) please send them to THIS FANCY INFO PAGE on my site where you/they can message me directly about specific needs.



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[AMY SAYS] EP#468 – How to *NOT* Lose Your Shit with Your Family this Holiday

[AMY SAYS] EP#468 – How to *NOT* Lose Your Shit with Your Family this Holiday

Ahhhhh, the holidays. The lovely time of year where your mom pesters you about why you don’t go to church anymore. Or your aunt gives you shit for not having kids or not being married. Or your uncle gets in a heated (uncomfortable) “discussion” about gun rights. Your favorite, amiright? Or perhaps you’re dreading the impending convo where your bro asks you for money. Again.

Even though the holidays are supposed to be merry and bright, they can often be the most stressful when it comes to dealing with our families. Enter years of baggage, a shit-ton of guilt, mix in some alcohol, and you have a family holiday that leaves you feeling like shit instead of connected with those you supposedly love the most. If this sounds any kind of familiar, all is not lost. And, believe it or not, you can totally take back your holiday experience, boundary your ass off, and consciously CHOOSE your focus this holiday. Even if your sister is an ass-hat.

This pod explores:

  • How to prepare for your family function ahead of time to set you up for success… even if your family is giving the circus a run for their money
  • What it *really* looks like to set up healthy boundaries and actually follow through on them
  • How to avoid (or end) uncomfortable conversations with the utmost grace
  • How to decide exactly what you want to focus on during the get-together… you know, so you can actually enjoy yourself #gladtidingsmuthafucka




I have three battle-tested (and badass) keynote speeches that are ready to be delivered to your company, organization, group, or association. If you or anyone you know could benefit from me droppin’ some gems (um, like, who couldn’t use some new tools?) please send them to THIS FANCY INFO PAGE on my site where you/they can message me directly about specific needs.



This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get 10% off their first month at betterhelp.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!!

Join the millions of people who have found huge relief and support from BetterHelp therapists and save on your first month while you’re at it! Check it out ~>




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