Let’s say you want to go for a promotion at your work, but your inner voice keeps telling you that you’re an imposter. Who are you to go for this job? Or maybe you are thinking of starting your own business, but you know you’re lacking some serious confidence. Don’t you have to be super confident right off the bat to do something like that? Or maybe you tried going back to school but you failed your first test so you threw in the towel and haven’t been back since.
When we talk about personal development topics like confidence, imposter complex, or navigating failure, we often think there is one specific trick or tool that will magically imbue us with all the confidence we desire, get rid of all our self-doubt, or make us immune to hardship. You know… just shittin’ glitter over here. Sadly, that isn’t the case.
This week on the show I chat with my pal, Jane Atkinson, who shares a 5-part Thought Work Model which can help you bust through self-doubt, conjure some serious confidence, and contend with failure like a badass. If you have a hard time getting into an empowering mindset or tend to go down negative rabbit holes on tv or social media, you will definitely want to pull up an ear for this one.
This pod explores:
- Jane’s two-prong approach to conjuring confidence… and how you’ve already proven to yourself that you can be courageous
- Jane’s 24 hour “wallow rule” and how it can help you process your feelings around failure
- The 5-step Thought Work Model Jane uses to keep her mindset in the right place
- Understanding imposter complex and what to do about it
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this week’s ‘dial an expert’ guestie
Jane Atkinson has been helping speakers catapult their careers for more than 30 years. She is the author of The Wealthy Speaker 3.0 (out this Fall), The Epic Keynote, The Wealthy Speaker Daily Success Planner and Journal, and Scaling Your Speaking Business.
Prior to coaching, Jane worked as an agent for several speakers whose careers skyrocketed. She also served as Vice President of a Speakers Bureau in Dallas where she represented several celebrities, best-selling authors and business experts.
Jane is the Founder of The Wealthy Speaker School which helps speakers build the businesses of their dreams through their course, community, masterminds and coaching.
Connect with Jane on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram.
- POD #384: [COACHING SESSION] Working with Rachel on Imposter Complex
- POD #385: [DIAL AN EXPERT] Tanya Geisler on Imposter Complex
- POD #386: [AMY SAYS] 5 Ways to Stop Feeling Like a Fraud
- POD #387: [TOOL] Hypnosis Session to Heal the Imposter Complex
- POD #466: 7 Ways to Amp Up Your Self-Confidence
- Amy Cuddy Ted Talk on body language affecting how we feel about ourselves
- Lisa Steadman
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