Nothing haunts us like the things we do not say.

~ Mitch Albom




of women business leaders say it’s difficult for women to speak up in virtual meetings.¹


Whether it be advocating for a new system in the workplace, asking for someone’s business, requesting or negotiating a raise, declining a family obligation, or expressing needs to a partner, many women find it extremely difficult to voice their wants, needs, and opinions. In this riveting keynote, Amy addresses the underlying reasons we fear speaking up for ourselves and spells out easy-to-implement tactics to find your voice and actually use it.




  • Explore the gender-biased message that tells us that a powerful, assertive woman is a bitch. [Hint: she’s not.] 
  • Understand the primitive reason why women routinely fear speaking up for themselves
  • Learn Amy’s 3-step process to boundary setting and enforcement
  • Understanding and identifying ineffective communication habits (so you can stop doing them)
  • Learn Amy’s popular 5-step process for effective communication
  • Learn how to use vulnerability for far more effective conversations







of women have been afraid that they won’t live up to expectations or that people around them will not believe they are as capable as expected.²

Fear of failure. Fear of success. Fear of being “found out” as a fraud. Hello, Imposter Complex! Fear of what others think of us. Every single woman has a daily encounter with some kind of fear. In this motivational keynote, Amy shares her ground-breaking concept of becoming “fear-optimized” and specific tools women can use to immediately silence the voice of fear and operate from a place of courage and bravery.




  • Understand the critical role fear plays in our lives and how to respond to fear from a place of courage
  • Learn Amy’s concept of getting rid of the idea of “fearless” and instead, embody being “fear-optimized”
  • Identify the areas of your life and work where fear holds you back from achieving your greatest potential
  • Learn how to work with the inner voice of fear, aka The Inner Critic (Or Inner Shit-Talker [grin])
  • Learn Amy’s unique tool of using “progressive language” to counteract the fear voice in your head
  • Examine the modern day fear response of people-pleasing and how to make decisions from a place of person power rather than the opinions of others







of executive women believe their male counterparts do not experience feelings of self-doubt as much as female leaders do.³


Regardless of extreme success and incredible accomplishment, nearly every woman has a deep-seated belief that she simply is “just not enough“. Oftentimes this pervasive belief inhibits women from advocating for themselves, taking initiative, and giving themselves permission to actually enjoy success. In this powerful keynote, Amy explores the reason why most women don’t believe they are worthy of the life and career they desire and gives the audience tangible skills to shift that belief to one of “I’m enough already!




  • Understand the influence of a patriarchal society that impedes the self-worth of most women
  • Explore Amy’s popular “House Metaphor” to untangle how we collapse our self-worth with what others think of us
  • Understand the ways you have undermined your self-worth with people and things outside of yourself… So you can begin to shift to internal power
  • Learn the connection between confident self-worth and productivity, initiative, and success.
  • Learn the science of changing belief systems so you can finally believe “I’m enough already!

Let’s Chat

All keynotes can be adapted and customized to fit your unique needs and can be delivered either in-person or virtually.

Call, text, email or use the form to the right to check availability.

  704.389.0750 (call or text)
 [email protected]

12 + 8 =

Her style is unique and incredibly real. She is energetic, smart, witty, and passionate about life. As a result you will have a strong urge to begin the changes in your life that you have been putting aside.

She will inspire you to be the BEST VERSION of yourself.

~ Melina Ruiz, Makeup Artist

For Event Planners

Amy Green Smith is a certified and credentialed life coach and hypnotherapist, masterful speaker, and courageous communication expert. Amy uses her roles as coach, writer, podcaster, and speaker to move individuals to a place of radical personal empowerment and self-worth. 

With acute focus on helping people “find their voice”, she is highly sought after for her uncommon style of irreverence, wisdom, and humor and has been a featured expert in Inspired Coach Magazine and on Fox 5 San Diego. 


Amy Green Smith is a certified and credentialed life coach and hypnotherapist, masterful speaker, and courageous communication expert. Amy uses her roles as coach, writer, podcaster, and speaker to move individuals beyond limiting beliefs and sabotaging mindsets to a place of radical personal empowerment and self-worth. 

With acute focus on helping people “find their voice”, Amy uses her popular weekly podcast, The Bold-Faced Truth, to address issues of worthiness, self-confidence, and letting go of people-pleasing to assist listeners in creating and living radically joyful lives. Amy has been instrumental in aiding thousands of women in stepping into their authentic power and crafting lives they desire. She is highly sought after for her uncommon style of irreverence, wisdom, and humor and has been a featured expert in Inspired Coach Magazine and on Fox 5 San Diego.

Start stalking Amy at www.AmyGreenSmith.com and grab a free copy of her eWorkbook, Speak Up for Yourself Without Being a Dick: 9 Proven Challenges to Radically Improve Your Self-Confidence and Self-Worth.

She has a loving way of giving you the swift kick in the ass you have been needing in your life. No bullshit, no games… Just the real deal!

~ Andrea Kooiman, Head Coach + Co-Founder of WeRunOCKids.org

Slow Clap

Amy completely mesmerizes and empowers her audience with soul, humor, and sass.

~ Allana Pratt, Intimacy Expert


I will share that I felt blessed to have attended an event at which Amy Green Smith was a speaker. Amy speaks with a level of clarity, energy and integrity that is almost unmatched by most in the field. As a Traditional Naturopath and a nationally recognized speaker myself, I am not easily moved by anything short of this.

If you have not had the opportunity to “experience” Amy to date, be sure to make this a priority.

~ Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath

Once you see Amy Green Smith in action, you will never forget her!

I first experienced Amy at a seminar and I was instantly impressed by her dynamic personality. From head to toe, she exudes a very “real” energy that’s infectious.

She makes you feel like you can do anything you set your mind to. She speaks with such clarity and I’ll say “art”. She’s deeply engaging in the way she expresses herself that I feel transfixed! She truly lights up when she talks. If you haven’t experience Amy, you are in for a treat!

~ Robin Wethe Altman, Artist

Anyone who meets Amy will attest to virtually being swept off their feet by her positive energy and enthusiasm for helping people experience more joy.

Amy was a guest speaker at one of my wellness events and inspired the audience with her creative and enlightening way to take simple steps for achieving goals. No matter what the topic, she is always right on and motivating!

~ Caprice Crebar, Health + Wellness Coach

I have seen many public speakers but none like AMY…. She is the type of person with great presence and as she elaborates on the topic at hand it becomes relatable on personal level.

Her style is unique and incredibly real. She is energetic, smart, witty, and passionate about life. As a result you will have a strong urge to begin the changes in your life that you have been putting aside. Overall, she will inspire you to be the BEST VERSION of yourself.

~ Melina Ruiz, Makeup Artist

Amy’s dynamic, energetic, honest keynote pulled me in as I found myself inching towards the edge of my seat the first time I heard her speak.

She leaves room for question, query, and self-reflection as well as new food for thought. She is insightful and beautiful inside and out.

~ Dawn Depke, Holistic Health Educator

It was a true pleasure having Amy as a guest on our show. She is vibrant and well-spoken. Amy motivated our viewers and helped opened their eyes to a new way of life. She is truly a joy!

~ Shally Zomorodi, Anchor FOX 5 Morning News

Amy Smith is a captivating personality with tremendous nuggets of tangible wisdom to offer. I found her to be professional, passionate, and compelling. Amy walks her talk and embodies her own teachings with authentic power.

~ Jessica Corbin, Integrated Fitness Specialist

Amy makes positive life changes seem really easy and tangible. Before I heard her speak I didn’t think I could change any of the awful cards life had given me, but she woke me up and made me believe that I deserved happiness and could not only change the cards I had been dealt, but change the game entirely.

Now I love my life and I could not have reached this place without her giving me the map of how to get there with her truly amazing words of inspiration. Go ahead, get your happy back and listen to this gem.

~ Priscilla Torres, Makeup Artist

What could I possibly say about Amy other than WOW! She is an engaging and vibrant speaker with an energy that draws you in.

She has a loving way of giving you the swift kick in the ass you have been needing in your life. No bullshit, no games… Just the real deal! Are you ready to see the true reflection of your life and make a change? If so, then allow Amy to be that mirror for you!

~ Andrea Kooiman, Head Coach + Co-Founder of WeRunOCKids.org

When I went to hear Amy speak, I wasn’t really sure what to expect. Call is kismet, or destiny or whatever… but something changed in my life that night.

Her raw attitude and the way she delivered her passion just resonated with me. She woke something up inside me that said, ‘Hey, you! Pay attention! This is YOU she is talking about!’

I was in a broken place in my life and feeling very sorry for myself. Amy brought the support I needed… Not with a pity-party, but with a good ass-kicking! I have been stalking her ever since! Her messages empower me to take ownership over ME and MY life. I used to point fingers and play the victim, but with Amy’s ‘kick-in-the-ass’ approach, I am now 100% accountable for the way I show up in every situation and every relationship in my life. I have regained control over my thoughts, my emotions, and my actions in a way that makes ME feel good.

~ Jenifer Eddy, Skincare Specialist

I have regained control over my thoughts, my emotions, and my actions in a way that makes ME feel good.

~ Jenifer Eddy, Skincare Specialist

Let’s Chat

All keynotes can be adapted and customized to fit your unique needs and can be delivered either in-person or virtually.

Call, text, email or use the form to the right to check availability.

  704.389.0750 (call or text)
 [email protected]

10 + 15 =

¹Catalyst Study in partnership with Edelman Intelligence, 2020

²KPMG Women’s Leadership Summit Report, 2020

³KPMG Women’s Leadership Summit Report, 2020