[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#437 – Understanding Body Love and Body Image with Summer Innanen

[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#437 – Understanding Body Love and Body Image with Summer Innanen

When I was a little girl, I remember my super evangelical, conservative mama telling me, “There’s this sinful notion out there that if something feels good, you should do it.” I’m sad to say this was one of the first messages I received that all things pleasurable were actually of the devil. I shit you not. Of course this message certainly applied to sex and drinking and other debachery [she says sarcastically], but this message was also super harmful around the pleasure derived from food. From enjoying delicious meals and treats. I mean one of the seven deadly sins is gluttony, for fuck’s sake.

You may have grown up with a similar sentiment around the morality of food. Not necessarily that Jesus would be after you, but think about how many times you’ve indulged in a decadent cake or delicious ice cream and have said something like, “Oh, I’m being so bad.” Or if you opt for the kale over the cupcake, you get to label yourself as “good”. Listen, food has nothing to do with morality and the idea that we deny ourselves a basic human pleasure like the taste of yummy food is incredibly harmful and furthermore, ruminating on what our bodies look like takes up waaaaay too much mental space. Like, how fucked up that we spend soooo much time and energy worried about our food choices and our body image.

On this week’s show, I dial up my pal, Summer Innanen, who is a body image coach and mentor who helps us look at the way we’ve been taught to constantly pursue thinness… at nearly all costs. Sometimes it’s a cost of pleasure, but other times it’s incredibly damaging to our mental health. Hands raised, amiright!? In this episode, we explore how the goal of “liking how you look” may be causing you more harm than good, how fixating on diet struggles can hinder us from addressing deeper traumas, and where to start if you can’t imagine ever having a loving relationship with your body. 

This pod explores:

  • The connection between food and pleasure and how many of us have been taught that pleasure is a bad word
  • Summer’s tactics for setting intentions around your health that have nothing to do with what you look like
  • How we’ve equated “taking care of ourselves” with thinness and how thinness is a inaccurate gauge of health
  • How to adopt an additive (versus reductive) perspective around your body image, health, and food choices



I have three battle-tested (and badass) keynote speeches that are ready to be delivered to your company, organization, group, or association. If you or anyone you know could benefit from me droppin’ some gems (um, like, who couldn’t use some new tools?) please send them to THIS FANCY INFO PAGE on my site where you/they can message me directly about specific needs.



This podcast is sponsored by LetsGetChecked and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get a whoppin’ 30% off their first test kit of choice at trylgc.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!!

Getting necessary medical testing can be simple, safe, and easily done in the privacy of your own home. Check out this killer offer from
LetsGetChecked and save 30% on your first test kit! Check it out ~>





Summer Innanen is a professionally trained coach specializing in body image, self-worth and confidence. She helps people all over the world to stop living behind the numbers on their scales through her private and group coaching at summerinnanen.com.

She is the best-selling author of Body Image Remix, host of the podcast Eat The Rules, and creator of You, On Fire – an online group coaching program dedicated to helping people get free from body shame. She also co-runs the Body Image Coach Certification program helping anti-diet professionals learn to work with clients around body image. 

Connect with Summer on Insta, Twitter, and Facebook.


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[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#436 – The Truth about Body Positivity with Dr. Lexie Kite

[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#436 – The Truth about Body Positivity with Dr. Lexie Kite

If you operate in a femme body or identify as female, it’s highly likely you’ve found yourself contending with a litany of body image “issues”. I put issues in quotes because the things that we worry about, and subsequently own as our “issues”, are purposely manufactured to commodify and exploit our bodies. In essence we’re programmed to have “issues”. They’re given to us. For example, we used to never worry about having body hair. Like, not even a thing. Then, Gillette pops up like, “Hey, we wanna make some money, so how ‘bout you start to think having hair on your legs is gross and give us money to fix it.” 

Think about how many products in your pantry, medicine cabinet, dresser drawers, shower, and bathroom vanity have become vaults for a myriad of products designed to change the way you look. Why? Because we have bought into the societal belief that women are valuable based solely on their bodies. And, we have an unbelievably limited view of which bodies are acceptable and permissible.

But what if your body was an instrument and not an ornament? Whaaaaaa? Yeah. On this week’s show I dial up Dr. Lexie Kite who, along with her twin sister, Dr. Lindsay Kite, has developed a social movement to redesign how we, as women, view beauty, body image, and the body positive movement. This conversation is a call to arms to examine the myopic lens through which we’ve been conditioned to see our bodies. Why? So we can see the breadth of our value. Because you, my friend, are so much more than a body. 

Get ready to wear a hole in this episode, because it will shake you at your core. In the best way possible.

This pod explores:

  • Dr. Lexie’s mantra you need to start using immediately… like, yesterday
  • How we’ve been grossly misinformed about what positive body image looks like
  • What it looks like to practice body image resilience 
  • How much of the body positive movement has sorely misdiagnosed the problem (Hint: How focusing on “all bodies are beautiful” may be missing the mark… What!? I know.)



I have three battle-tested (and badass) keynote speeches that are ready to be delivered to your company, organization, group, or association. If you or anyone you know could benefit from me droppin’ some gems (um, like, who couldn’t use some new tools?) please send them to THIS FANCY INFO PAGE on my site where you/they can message me directly about specific needs.



This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get 10% off their first month at betterhelp.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!!

Join the millions of people who have found huge relief and support from BetterHelp therapists and save on your first month while you’re at it! Check it out ~>





Dr. Lexie Kite and her identical twin, Dr. Lindsay Kite, are co-authors of the book More Than a Body: Your Body Is an Instrument, Not an Ornament and co-directors of the nonprofit Beauty Redefined. They both received PhDs from the University of Utah in the study of female body image and have become leading experts in body image resilience and media literacy. Authors of numerous studies and books have cited Lindsay and Lexie’s original research and they have been featured in a variety of national media outlets, including The New York Times, CNBC, the Boston Globe, Slate, Shape, Glamour, Teen Vogue, and more.

Lindsay and Lexie help girls and women recognize and reject the harmful effects of objectification in their lives through their significant social media reach, online Body Image Resilience course and facilitator program for dietitians and therapists, their popular book (More Than a Body), and regular speaking engagements for thousands of people of all ages. 

Connect with Drs. Lexie and Lindsay Kite on Insta


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[AMY SAYS] EP#435 – Understanding and Breaking the Stress Cycle

[AMY SAYS] EP#435 – Understanding and Breaking the Stress Cycle

One. More. Thing. One more thing and you may just lose your god-damn mind. If one more person asks something of you… If one more task gets added to your to-do list… You may just Lose. Your. Shit.

We’ve all been in this crazy-ass-stressed-the-fuck-out place where we become, uh-hem, a little less than the best version of ourselves. We scream at our kids when they need something minimal. We lash out at our spouse, or friend, or co-worker when they are just trying to help. In essence, we become somewhat addicted to being super stressed out and overwhelmed. 

Here’s the unique thing about navigating modern stressors… When our primitive ancestors were dealing with some kind of threat, let’s say a lion, they would have a sharp spike of stress, handle the stressful situation (escape the lion) and then easily be able to access a calm, tranquil space. In essence, they were able to complete the entire stress response cycle. But now we are in many stressful situations that simply don’t stop. #helloCovid Whether it be traffic, dealing with a high-demand job, feeling threatened in your interpersonal relationships, or being stressed out about the state of the world, it’s highly likely that you’ve been existing in your sympathetic nervous system which our bodies respond to like we’re constantly running from lions. It’s basically really, really fucking detrimental to our nervous systems.

If this sounds like I have a hidden camera installed in your place, you need to have a listen to this week’s pod. BTW, no camera (#creepy)… I’ve just been in this place far too many times to count. And in this episode, I discuss what spikes our stress response and share 11+ simple things you can do to let go of the overwhelm, stress, and mortal combat that may be driving you to the brink of insanity. Say hello to some serious peace, tranquility, and happy dances.

This pod explores:

  • How people-pleasing is adding a shit-ton of stress to your life and what to do about it
  • 11+ easy ways to immediately relieve your stress
  • My P.O.D. method for navigating extreme overwhelm
  • How to start asking for help… even if you really hate asking for help. And how that can be a fierce act of feminism.



I have three battle-tested (and badass) keynote speeches that are ready to be delivered to your company, organization, group, or association. If you or anyone you know could benefit from me droppin’ some gems (um, like, who couldn’t use some new tools?) please send them to THIS FANCY INFO PAGE on my site where you/they can message me directly about specific needs.



This podcast is sponsored by LetsGetChecked and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get a whoppin’ 30% off their first test kit of choice at trylgc.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!!

Getting necessary medical testing can be simple, safe, and easily done in the privacy of your own home. Check out this killer offer from LetsGetChecked and save 30% on your first test kit! Check it out ~>




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[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#434 Understanding and Navigating Stress with Dr. Mariza Snyder

[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#434 Understanding and Navigating Stress with Dr. Mariza Snyder

It’s no secret that our capitalist society places extreme value on how much we can produce and if we’re not producing, then we simply aren’t “enough”. We’re not worthy. We fucking suck. The message that many of us recieve is that we must constantly hustle, hustle, hustle in order to be valuable. You want to get ahead in business? You have to burn the candle at both ends. You want to have a family and run a business? Get ready for zero sleep. And constantly taking care of everyone else except yourself. 

You push. You hustle. You push. You hustle. 

And, then one day your body is like,”Bitch, we’re done” and all of a sudden you find yourself with extreme exhaustion, adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues, or a bevy of other autoimmune issues. The effects that long-term, chronic stress has on the body is no joke. So, what-the-hell do we do about it?

This week, I dialed up my pal, Dr. Mariza Snyder, a functional practitioner and women’s hormone expert, to find out what we can do to start mitigating the stress cycle that many women are highly addicted to. She shares exactly what happens to our hormones when we prolong our exposure to stress, why we need to fall in love with rest, and her favorite practices to start your day so you don’t fall into burnout-rinse-repeat. You’ll definitely want a pen and paper for this one!

This pod explores:

  • Dr. Mariza’s super simple morning ritual routine to help immediately jumpstart your metabolism
  • Understanding “Rushing Woman’s Syndrome” and the symptoms you are likely already contending with
  • How our stress response is triggered by *perceived* threats and past traumas and why that may be why you are CONSTANTLY burnt out and exhausted
  • Understanding the “divas” of the nervous system and how that relates to you feeling stressed out AF



I have three battle-tested (and badass) keynote speeches that are ready to be delivered to your company, organization, group, or association. If you or anyone you know could benefit from me droppin’ some gems (um, like, who couldn’t use some new tools?) please send them to THIS FANCY INFO PAGE on my site where you/they can message me directly about specific needs.



This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get 10% off their first month at betterhelp.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!!

Join the millions of people who have found huge relief and support from BetterHelp therapists and save on your first month while you’re at it! Check it out ~>





Dr. Mariza Snyder is a functional practitioner, women’s hormone expert and the author of eight books: The newest book, The Essential Oils Menopause Solution, focuses on solutions for women in perimenopause and menopause and the #1 National Bestselling book, The Essential Oils Hormone Solution, focuses on balancing women’s hormones naturally. Other bestselling books are: The Smart Mom’s Guide to Essential Oils and The DASH Diet Cookbook.

For the past twelve years, she has lectured at wellness centers, conferences, and corporations on hormone health, essential oils, nutrition, and detoxification. She has been featured on Dr. Oz, Oprah Magazine, Fox News Health, MindBodyGreen and many publications. Dr. Mariza is also the host of the top rated Essentially You Podcast, (with over 3 million downloads) designed to empower women to become the CEO of their health. Check out her website, drmariza.com, for women’s hormone tips, including recipes and remedies.

FREEBIE: Quick and Healthy Detox Smoothie and Shake Guide 
FREEBIE: Book Bonues for The Essential Oil Menopause Solution  
Check out Essentially You Podcast on Apple Podcasts or your pod platform of choice

Dr. Mariza on Facebook, Twitter, Insta, Youtube, and Pinterest


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[AMY SAYS] EP#433 – Owning (and Advocating for) Your Personal Hierarchy of Needs

[AMY SAYS] EP#433 – Owning (and Advocating for) Your Personal Hierarchy of Needs

Many times when you are feeling either physical or emotional discomfort, it’s a huge indication that there is a need you have that isn’t being met. For example, let’s say you’ve been feeling a sense of sadness, disconnection, and loneliness and when you dig a bit deeper behind that emotion, you realize you’ve really been needing connection and belonging. Time to reach out to the bestie you haven’t talked to in awhile. 

Or maybe you’ve noticed that your workplace leaves you constantly stressed out, overwhelmed, and feeling discouraged. When you look behind those emotions, you realize that you have desperately been needing acknowledgment, rest, and ease. Time to schedule some time off or talk to the boss about lessening your workload.

Many times when we feel discomfort, we simply leave it at that and just complain. We bitch about hating Covid but fail to notice our need for connection being stepped on. Or we rant about our stupid boss and our stupid job, but don’t take time to notice the needs that deserve attention. But, when we are able to dig behind the discomfort and truly honor what we are needing, we can better take a stand and articulate exactly what we need – Instead of blaming, resenting, and stewing.

In this week’s show, I take a deep-dive into Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and how it can serve as a great blueprint to evaluate the areas of your life that need attention. If you have been having a slew of uncomfortable emotions lately, but you’re not super clear what to actually DO about it, this episode will give you a world of insight. Be prepared to create your own personal hierarchy so you can, you know, actually get what you want… and need.

This pod explores:

  • The tell-tale sign that always indicates a need of yours isn’t being met
  • A breakdown of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and how it applies to your life (especially the areas you aren’t so happy about)
  • How to figure out if you’re paying too much attention to your “material” needs and neglecting your “psychological” needs
  • The negative effects of ignoring your Belonging Needs (it’s like, super bad)




I have three battle-tested (and badass) keynote speeches that are ready to be delivered to your company, organization, group, or association. If you or anyone you know could benefit from me droppin’ some gems (um, like, who couldn’t use some new tools?) please send them to THIS FANCY INFO PAGE on my site where you/they can message me directly about specific needs.



This podcast is sponsored by LetsGetChecked and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get a whoppin’ 30% off their first test kit of choice at trylgc.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!!

Getting necessary medical testing can be simple, safe, and easily done in the privacy of your own home. Check out this killer offer from
LetsGetChecked and save 30% on your first test kit! Check it out ~>




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[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#432 – Honoring Your Needs (and What-the-Hell that Means) with Mara Glatzel

[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#432 – Honoring Your Needs (and What-the-Hell that Means) with Mara Glatzel

How many times have you silenced yourself from expressing how you truly feel to someone because you fear coming across as needy? Maybe you worry what your partner may say if you find yourself needing more alone time. Or perhaps you think your over-achieving sister will slam you in front of the fam and call you lazy if you take the time you truly need to rest and recharge. Like, god-forbid you actually honor the fact that literally every human being has needs.

Not to mention we have a massive patriarchal narrative that reserves “neediness” largely for those identifying as women… and not necessarily in a good way. Perhaps you’ve been told, “You’re so emotional” or “You’re too sensitive’ or “You’re so needy” and you received the message loud and fucking clear that your needs are just way too much to handle and accommodate. So, we learn to silence ourselves and abandon what we truly want and need to live a happy life, which can lead to staying in jobs we loath and attached to relationships that make us feel like who we are is innately “wrong”.

This week on the show, I dial up my pal, Mara Glatzel, who is literally writing the book on being needy. We discuss the difference between wants and needs and why that doesn’t really matter all that much, what the concept of self-care has to do with honoring needs, and the first place you need to start when figuring out what you need. If you’ve been operating in a space of hustle, constantly taking care of other people, and really have never stopped to pause and evaluate your needs, this episode is a must-listen. 

This pod explores:

  • How-the-hell to balance honoring your needs/self-care and actually getting shit done
  • The difference between the wildly popular Prescriptive Self-Care and the much needed Responsive Self-Care 
  • How to examine some of the doors we’ve shut on our own needs during the Pandemic because we aren’t able to fulfill them in the same way (ie If I can’t do group fitness anymore, I’ll just shut the fitness door completely)
  • Why the concept of “Needs v. Wants” doesn’t really matter in living a fulfilled life



I have three battle-tested (and badass) keynote speeches that are ready to be delivered to your company, organization, group, or association. If you or anyone you know could benefit from me droppin’ some gems (um, like, who couldn’t use some new tools?) please send them to THIS FANCY INFO PAGE on my site where you/they can message me directly about specific needs.



This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get 10% off their first month at betterhelp.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!!

Join the millions of people who have found huge relief and support from BetterHelp therapists and save on your first month while you’re at it! Check it out ~>




Free Workshop - let go of self doubt, get rid of perfectionism, let go of what everyone thinks Is this the year you go from a people-pleasing, guilt-tripped perfectionist to a bold and boundaried badass? Um, yeah. I think it is!

If you’re DONE feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed out because you’re constantly doing, doing, doing for everyone else, then you must grab your seat in this brand-new workshop! You’ll learn the exact five-step process I take my clients through so they can let go of all the stress and angst of striving for “perfect” and caring waaaaay too much what everyone else thinks.

It’s time to finally believe in yourself, find that self-confidence you crave, and start living your life for YOU. So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR or click that image to the right to get on The List! #yourewelcome





Mara Glatzel, MSW (she/her) is an intuitive coach, writer, and podcast host. She is a needy human who helps other needy humans stop abandoning themselves and start reclaiming their humanity through embracing their needs and honoring their natural energy cycles. Her superpower is saying what you need to hear when you need to hear it and she is here to help you believe in yourself as much as she believes in you. Find out more at MaraGlatzel.com 

Connect with Mara on Insta and take her needs quiz for insight into your own desires and requirements.


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[AMY SAYS] EP#431 – Understanding + Working with the 4 Communication Styles – Part 2

[AMY SAYS] EP#431 – Understanding + Working with the 4 Communication Styles – Part 2

You get super jelly that your partner gets to have extra time off work, so you say (in a snarky-ass tone), “Wow. Must be nice to have so much free time”. Or maybe a work group you’re a part of is trying to decide how to handle a specific project and instead of voicing your true thoughts you say, “We can certainly do it your way” and mutter under you breath, “And good fucking luck with that.” 

What we have here, folks, are two examples of the Passive-Aggressive Communication Style. Everyone’s fav. But, even though we find it infuriating, many of us do it ourselves aaaaaall the time.

If you weren’t properly taught how to advocate for your own wants, needs, and opinions [spoiler: none of us were], it’s likely that you find yourself falling into one of the less-than-effective communication styles. Research has shown that there are four main communication styles: passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive (#guilty), and assertive. Fifty points if you can figure out which one is most effective. Yup, Assertive.

But, if you’re like most, you probably dip your toes in a bit of the other three. And, you certainly are not alone. In this episode, part two of two, I take a deep dive into the Passive-Aggressive and Assertive communication styles. I cover off what they typically sound like, what their go-to tactics are, what to do if you communicate this way, and what to do if you’re engaging with someone who employs the Passive-Aggressive style. Be sure to have a pen and paper handy as I spell out specific verbiage and phrases you can use… like, yesterday.

This pod explores:

  • My absolute favorite tactic in calling someone out (without royally pissing them off) when they are being Passive-Aggressive
  • How to untangle your own go-to Passive-Aggressive tendencies and what to say instead
  • What to do if your entire family system relies on being Passive-Aggressive to communicate
  • My favorite Assertive go-to phrases to use when you need (and want) to be clear, kind, and concise



I have three battle-tested (and badass) keynote speeches that are ready to be delivered to your company, organization, group, or association. If you or anyone you know could benefit from me droppin’ some gems (um, like, who couldn’t use some new tools?) please send them to THIS FANCY INFO PAGE on my site where you/they can message me directly about specific needs.



This podcast is sponsored by LetsGetChecked and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get a whoppin’ 30% off their first test kit of choice at trylgc.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!!

Getting necessary medical testing can be simple, safe, and easily done in the privacy of your own home. Check out this killer offer from
LetsGetChecked and save 30% on your first test kit! Check it out ~>




Free Workshop - let go of self doubt, get rid of perfectionism, let go of what everyone thinks Is this the year you go from a people-pleasing, guilt-tripped perfectionist to a bold and boundaried badass? Um, yeah. I think it is!

If you’re DONE feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed out because you’re constantly doing, doing, doing for everyone else, then you must grab your seat in this brand-new workshop! You’ll learn the exact five-step process I take my clients through so they can let go of all the stress and angst of striving for “perfect” and caring waaaaay too much what everyone else thinks.

It’s time to finally believe in yourself, find that self-confidence you crave, and start living your life for YOU. So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR or click that image to the right to get on The List! #yourewelcome




How to Leave Apple Podcasts Reviews:

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  • Click on blue button that reads “view in Apple Podcasts” which will open the podcast into your personal Apple Podcasts account
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[AMY SAYS] EP#430 – Understanding + Working with the 4 Communication Styles – Part 1

[AMY SAYS] EP#430 – Understanding + Working with the 4 Communication Styles – Part 1

Someone does something that really bothers you, but you’d rather pull your own teeth out than have a confrontation… so you just stay quiet. Or maybe your family is so damn aggressive that you find it easier to hide in the shadows instead of “rocking the boat”. 

If you weren’t properly taught how to advocate for your own wants, needs, and opinions [spoiler: none of us were], it’s likely that you find yourself falling into one of the less-than-effective communication styles. Research has shown that there are four main communication styles: passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive (a fan fave), and assertive. Twenty points if you can figure out which one is most effective. Yup, Assertive.

But, if you’re like most, you probably dip your toes in a bit of the other three. And, you certainly are not alone. In this episode, part one of two, I take a deep dive into the Passive and the Aggressive communication styles. I cover off what they typically sound like, what their go-to tactics are, what to do if you communicate this way, and what to do if you’re engaging with someone who employs one of these styles. Be sure to have a pen and paper handy as I spell out specific verbiage and phrases you can use… like, yesterday.

This pod explores:

  • Understanding where a Passive Communication Style typically stems from and why it’s not always a bad thing
  • How to mitigate the eventual eruptions (hello, volcano!) that a Passive Communication often leads to
  • The sneaky way Aggressive Communication can show up (and what to do about it)
  • The absolute #1 priority if you are dealing with an extreme Aggressive Communicator (it’s non-negotiable, y’all)



I have three battle-tested (and badass) keynote speeches that are ready to be delivered to your company, organization, group, or association. If you or anyone you know could benefit from me droppin’ some gems (um, like, who couldn’t use some new tools?) please send them to THIS FANCY INFO PAGE on my site where you/they can message me directly about specific needs.



This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get 10% off their first month at betterhelp.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!!

Join the millions of people who have found huge relief and support from BetterHelp therapists and save on your first month while you’re at it! Check it out ~>




Free Workshop - let go of self doubt, get rid of perfectionism, let go of what everyone thinks Is this the year you go from a people-pleasing, guilt-tripped perfectionist to a bold and boundaried badass? Um, yeah. I think it is!

If you’re DONE feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed out because you’re constantly doing, doing, doing for everyone else, then you must grab your seat in this brand-new workshop! You’ll learn the exact five-step process I take my clients through so they can let go of all the stress and angst of striving for “perfect” and caring waaaaay too much what everyone else thinks.

It’s time to finally believe in yourself, find that self-confidence you crave, and start living your life for YOU. So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR or click that image to the right to get on The List! #yourewelcome




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[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#429 – Emotional Intelligence and Relationship Communication with Dr. Shyamala Kiru

[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#429 – Emotional Intelligence and Relationship Communication with Dr. Shyamala Kiru

Tell me if you can relate: Your partner does something that royally pisses you off, but when you address it, you blow a gasket and things seem to get worse. Or maybe you’re so overwhelmed and stressed at work but can’t find the words to share that with your boss. Or possibly your sister embarrassed you in front of your whole family, but instead of dealing with it, you sweep it under the rug and resentment builds and builds. 

Do you happen to notice the correlations in all these scenarios? They are one part “Emotions” and one part “Communication”. We don’t often take the time to dissect what we are actually feeling and how that impacts the way we communicate in our relationships. But think about any of these situations without the emotional element. If you weren’t so angry at your partner, would you have communicated that way? If you weren’t so embarrassed, how would your communication have changed? How we communicate with others is directly related to what we are feeling emotionally.

This week on the show, I dial up Dr. Shyamala Kiru who is an ex-therapist turned relationship and leadership coach (and totally badass) who literally wrote the book on navigating emotional intelligence as women. Dr. Shyamala and I discuss the influence of our family of origin on our ability to name and regulate our emotions, how fear shows up for all of us, and what communication pitfalls we often fall into, arresting our ability for rich connection. When I say this conversation is packed, it’s fucking packed. Packed with some serious fodder to help you uplevel your communication and in turn, your relationship fulfillment. Get some.

This pod explores:

  • Why working on emotional intelligence is even worth the effort (Hint: It soooo is)
  • Understanding “Communication Culprits” and how you may be unknowingly sabotaging getting your needs met
  • Dr. Shyamala’s “3 Pillars of Success” – a specific formula for understanding your own emotions leading to richer relationships (yes, please!)
  • The four emotional traps that we often fall into when navigating relationships and what we can do about them



I have three battle-tested (and badass) keynote speeches that are ready to be delivered to your company, organization, group, or association. If you or anyone you know could benefit from me droppin’ some gems (um, like, who couldn’t use some new tools?) please send them to THIS FANCY INFO PAGE on my site where you/they can message me directly about specific needs.



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Free Workshop - let go of self doubt, get rid of perfectionism, let go of what everyone thinks Is this the year you go from a people-pleasing, guilt-tripped perfectionist to a bold and boundaried badass? Um, yeah. I think it is!

If you’re DONE feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed out because you’re constantly doing, doing, doing for everyone else, then you must grab your seat in this brand-new workshop! You’ll learn the exact five-step process I take my clients through so they can let go of all the stress and angst of striving for “perfect” and caring waaaaay too much what everyone else thinks.

It’s time to finally believe in yourself, find that self-confidence you crave, and start living your life for YOU. So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR or click that image to the right to get on The List! #yourewelcome





Dr. Shyamala is an ex-therapist turned Leadership + Relationship Expert with 20 years experience in advanced communication, relationship management and leadership training for high-powered women.

She is the founder of The EQ Code, a global coaching company designed for women who are ready to master their emotions, communicate fearlessly and lead with confidence, so they can execute on their mission at a whole new level.

While she no longer practices Psychotherapy, she is the founder of the Kiru Psychotherapy Clinic, a virtual mental health practice serving Canada, and has served on the Board of Directors for the Ontario Association for Marriage & Family Therapy.

As a speaker, Dr. Shyamala provides keynote speeches on a local, national and international scale. As a media expert, she’s appeared on a national television show for nearly a decade and makes guest appearances on CTV, CP24 as well as frequent pieces of print media. You can also catch her wisdom on her podcast, Confessions of an Ex- Therapist.

Most importantly, she is the Partner in Crime to her adored husband and the Chief Inspiring Officer to her incredible daughter. 

Join The Emotionally Intelligent Woman book launch party and connect with Dr. Shyamala on Insta.


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  • Click on blue button that reads “view in Apple Podcasts” which will open the podcast into your personal Apple Podcasts account
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[AMY SAYS] EP#428 – Hypnosis Session to Foster Emotional Intelligence

[AMY SAYS] EP#428 – Hypnosis Session to Foster Emotional Intelligence

So, you consciously “know” that you should allow room to feel your emotions and cultivate vulnerability (Hi, Brené!) but why don’t you actually practice accessing your emotional self? I’ll tell you why. Logic, reason, and rationale are housed in the conscious part of the mind which is estimated to be roughly 10% of the mind power. Your beliefs and habits, however, are located in the subconscious mind which is the other whoppin’ 90%. That means that simply “knowing” that emotional intelligence is mandatory for rich connections doesn’t negate the fact that there is likely a HUGE disempowering belief hanging out in the subconscious telling you how dangerous and scary emotions are. That disempowering belief will win every time.

But all is not lost my friend. There are a handful of ways to access and shift the beliefs of the subconscious mind and one of my absolute favorite methods is via hypnosis. In this episode, I share a bit about what hypnosis is, how it works, what sensory preference is and why it matters, and finally how hypnosis can be a powerful aid in shifting negative beliefs you may hold about shutting down the feels. After a brief explanation, I guide you through a powerful hypnosis session to help you unlock the negative beliefs you’ve been attached to around your *feels*.

This pod explores:

  • What hypnosis actually is (as in, what is really happening in the brain) and what it is not (It’s not clucking like a chicken, FYI)
  • What hypnosis has to do with the inner critic and how you can use it to kick your inner critic in the ass
  • How you go into hypnotic trances daily without even knowing it
  • How to shift your belief that emotions are dangerous and in turn, allow room to grow your emo self




If you’re like most people, it’s likely no one sat you down and taught you about how to feel your feels, how to allow yourself to feel emotions other than happiness, and how to speak up for yourself around your feelings.

Well, never fear, my friend. The great news is that you can learn how to embrace your emotional side in a way that feels powerful and um, not like you’re standing naked in front of a room full of strangers. #nothankyou

This powerful hypnosis track will help you give yourself permission to access your emotional self so that you can have richer relationships and much more powerful and effective communication. Get into it! GO HERE to grab your copy!




Free Workshop - let go of self doubt, get rid of perfectionism, let go of what everyone thinks Is this the year you go from a people-pleasing, guilt-tripped perfectionist to a bold and boundaried badass? Um, yeah. I think it is!

If you’re DONE feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed out because you’re constantly doing, doing, doing for everyone else, then you must grab your seat in this brand-new workshop! You’ll learn the exact five-step process I take my clients through so they can let go of all the stress and angst of striving for “perfect” and caring waaaaay too much what everyone else thinks.

It’s time to finally believe in yourself, find that self-confidence you crave, and start living your life for YOU. So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR or click that image to the right to get on The List! #yourewelcome


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How to Leave Apple Podcasts Reviews:

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  • Click on blue button that reads “view in Apple Podcasts” which will open the podcast into your personal Apple Podcasts account
  • Click “Ratings & Reviews” under the show title
  • Click the star rating of choice and then click the “Write a Review” button
  • You can also click “Subscribe” under the podcast photo to be automatically notified of new episodes


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