If you are a woman in your 40s or 50s or beyond, it’s likely you’ve been slapped in the face with the realization of how emphatically our society values youth and beauty. You’re cruisin’ along, building a career, maybe raising some kids, and then BOOM! Everything gets thrown out of whack, your eggs shrivel up, and you’re wondering who’s body is this anyway? And, also am I fucking invisible?
Navigating midlife isn’t really something we’re set up for… I mean, think about it. We get tons of “shoulds” about going to college, getting the good job, buying the house, having the family, etc. and then what? Once you’ve checked off all the boxes, you stand around wondering, Is this really all there is? I thought this was supposed to be the part where I’m happy!
This week on the show, I dial up Jennifer Arthurton, the founder and creator of Old Chicks Know Shit, a community and a podcast designed to inspire and support midlife women in chasing their dreams and creating their kick ass next chapter. In this candid conversation we chat about the Midlife Paradox, what to do if you keep thinking “I’m not where I thought I would be at this point in my life,” and how Jennifer reinvented herself after a difficult midlife breakdown. As she was approaching 50, she found herself divorced, unemployed, and bed-ridden from a stress-induced illness with zero idea of what direction to take her life. Have a listen and find out how she used this crucial moment to pivot into the most rewarding chapter of her life and how you can do the same.
This pod explores:
- How Jennifer’s “Three S’s” tool can help you figure out what your next chapter will look like… even if you currently have no idea
- What “The Maven Years” are and how to embrace your journey through mid-life
- Jennifer’s “Mid-life Must-Haves” and how to let go of society tell us about women 50+The blessing in feeling “invisible” as you age (Wait, what!? I know)
wanna hang with me in Mexico?
APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN for my all-inclusive, IN-PERSON retreat held at a luxe, boutique resort in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico! But, act fast because space is extremely limited!
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this week’s ‘dial an expert’ guestie
Jennifer regularly appears as a guest on blogs and podcasts and as a speaker at women’s events. Connect with Jennifer on Insta or Facebook.
- Free-sources – some free ways I can help!!
- POD #468: How to *NOT* Lose Your Shit With Your Family This Holiday
- POD #469: 6 Ways to Deal with Grief During the Holidays
- POD #470: 6 Ways to Manage + Recover From Holiday Stress
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