If you’re like most people, you have an overwhelming sense of excitement and ambition come the new year. Also like most people, perhaps you hit Jan with a fire under your ass, but when Feb rolls around you have slowly begun to lose steam, fervor, and action. Also, 2023 kicked many of our asses, so there’s that to contend with. Many people (and maybe YOU) enter the New Year with many plans and intentions, but somehow end up a bit off track sooner than later.
In this episode, I address the biggest obstacles people unknowingly establish for themselves when crafting New Year’s goals and “resolutions”. Yep, you read that right… many people actually make their job a shit-ton harder by not setting themselves up for success to begin with. I also share my personal planning tool I use every single year to ensure I establish solid goals in aaaaall areas of my life (not just health and money… but, yes, those too). Be sure to grab your free planning guide so you can plan and organize a seriously epic 2024 by figuring out what categories in which you would like to make headway. Plus, you’ll have a sexy Planning Guide to record all your brilliance!
This pod explores:
The two biggest mistakes people make when crafting goals for the new year
How to assess where you are in your life now and where you want to be in a year’s time
How to create goals that are really about YOUR fulfillment, are totally attainable, and light you up
Why you probably don’t want to celebrate your 2023 accomplishments, but you kinda, absolutely MUST
Did you grab your free planning guide that accompanies this episode? Get on it, Babycakes! Here’s the deal: our brain takes things waaaaay more seriously when we get out of our heads and get our thoughts/commitments out on paper. It’s like, science.
So, OF COURSE I want you to make some serious changes and make shit happen in 2024, so be sure you have your Pod #497 planning guide with you while you (re) listen to this pod so you can get into some serious action. Trust… if you just listen and don’t DO, you’re not going to change a damn thing.
So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR or click that image to the right to get your freebies sent directly to your inbox! #yourewelcome
This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get 10% off their first month at betterhelp.com/boldtruth or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!!
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Ever wonder why having difficult conversations causes soooo much anxiety, often leaving you tongue-tied, frustrated with how you’re getting your point across, and down-right bummed-the-fuck-out? It can be super stressful to approach a sticky topic with someone in your life, especially if you are anticipating a less than enthusiastic response. Believe it or not, there are actually a handful of things you can do to totally shift in your approach in order to get your message across in a MUCH more effective way. You know, without throwing your partner’s shoes at them.
This episode targets 8 steps you can easily employ to feel much more powerful when you tell your mother-in-law to stop trying to parent your kids. Or whatever other challenging topic you need to address. You’ll learn the most effective way to communicate your needs (and in turn get what you want) without feeling like a big ol’ asshole.
This pod explores:
What you need to do BEFORE you have a tough conversation in order to set yourself up for success
How to begin a conversation in such a way that the other party is totally willing to hear you out
How to get really clear on what you’re asking for or requesting
How to own your shit and feel good about what you’re expressing, even if the other person isn’t diggin’ it
I have three battle-tested (and badass) keynote speeches that are ready to be delivered to your company, organization, group, or association. If you or anyone you know could benefit from me droppin’ some gems (um, like, who couldn’t use some new tools?) please send them to THIS FANCY INFO PAGE on my site where you/they can message me directly about specific needs.
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Ever feel like you’re expressing yourself like a #boss and the other person is like, “Why are you yelling? Please don’t scream at me.” And then you’re all, “Whaaaa?! I’M NOT SCREAMING!” Or have you ever addressed something with your partner/bestie/co-worker and they told you your tone was a bit harsh? Um. Yeah. Me too.
Recently, a listener reached out to the show and asked how she could better control her voice when talking about serious issues with her husband. Often we think we are being crystal-fucking-clear about WHAT we are saying to another person, but in the passion of our emotions, we often lose sight of HOW we are expressing our thoughts.
In this episode, I spill nine, super-easy-to-implement communication hacks you can use to control your tone, not lose your ever-lovin’ mind, and communicate in a way that gets your point across and your needs met. Boom. Just like that.
This pod explores:
My favorite body-related, go-to tactic to use in the middle of a heated conversation
How to develop a “code word” or “phrase” to signal the convo is going off the rails
What to do if you actually DO lose your shit and need to clean up your mess
I have three battle-tested (and badass) keynote speeches that are ready to be delivered to your company, organization, group, or association. If you or anyone you know could benefit from me droppin’ some gems (um, like, who couldn’t use some new tools?) please send them to THIS FANCY INFO PAGE on my site where you/they can message me directly about specific needs.
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You know *that thing* when you get totally caught off guard by a request and don’t know how to say “No”, so you say, “Um, yeah, sure. Totally”? Or how ‘bout this one: You know you need to address something with your bestie but you keep thinking, “Am I overreacting? Am I being dramatic? I feel like I should say something, but I’m so nervous!” Or maybe your boss walks into your office and asks for another report to be completed and instead of saying “I don’t think I can add one more thing to my plate”, you just verbally list out a litany of things that you have to accomplish, hoping that she’ll magically get your drift.
Real talk: No one teaches us how to articulate our thoughts, feelings, needs, and opinions in an effective manner. We stumble around thinking we can’t ever let anyone down and god forbid we actually say “No”! So we learn to “sweep things under the rug” and tell ourselves that it’s not that serious until we erupt like a god-damned volcano.
If you’re sick of this rat race, but still don’t know #WTF to say, then prepare to burn a hole in this episode. I go off about nine, easy-to-implement communication hacks that will have you speaking up for yourself and feeling damn good about it. Get your pen and paper ready because this is your new bible.
This pod explores:
Tons of specific phrases/scripts you can use in the toughest of interactions
My go-to word to use to kick off a tough conversation like a boss
How to stop those arguments before they even start (for reals)
How to use humor and sarcasm without being a total asshat
I have three battle-tested (and badass) keynote speeches that are ready to be delivered to your company, organization, group, or association. If you or anyone you know could benefit from me droppin’ some gems (um, like, who couldn’t use some new tools?) please send them to THIS FANCY INFO PAGE on my site where you/they can message me directly about specific needs.
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One of the most amazing things about our current social climate is the influx of personal growth concepts and ideas. Although it’s been beautiful to see the self-help space blossom and expand, there are certainly some ways in which these concepts can stir up problems and sticking points.
For instance… Ever have a situation where you’re all pumped up to speak up for yourself and the other person does NOT react well? Or have you ever heard a new podcast or read a book and your first thought was that you HAVE TO tell your sister about it because Lawd, knows she needs it… and you completely forget to look at the application to YOUR life? Or maybe you’ve fallen into a hoarding pattern… where you collect program after program or book after book and you don’t actually implement what you’re learning. Or maybe they simply collect dust on your bookshelf or hard drive.
If any of those examples rings a bell, you’ll #def want to catch this episode. I share 6 ways self-help can go wrong and what you can do about it. And, trust, the remedies are actually super simple. Have a listen, call yourself out if needed, and get your ass back to your powerful life.
This pod explores:
Why some of your friends/fam may not be that interested (at all) in hearing about your personal growth
Why thinking “I’ve already dealt with this!” will actually set you back and how to shift your thinking to something more powerful
How to know if you are a personal development “collector” and how to actually IMPLEMENT what you’ve been learning
How to check that you aren’t branding someone as “toxic” simply so you can avoid a tough convo
It’s time to stop talking constant shit to yourself. It’s time to stop caring so much about what everyone else thinks of you. It’s time to let go of that death grip on perfectionism, self-doubt, and people-pleasing. After all, how has that been working? That’s what I thought.
Let’s kick that shit to the curb, shall we? The doors are officially open for an exclusive, group-coaching immersion that will teach you the skills to access some serious “enoughness,” start believing in yourself, and speak up for yourself like a bold, boundaried badass. Oh, and this 9-month, deep-dive includes TWO, 5-day, luxury retreats! Hello!
Want in? Of course you do. Clickety clickRIGHT HERE or click the fancy image to get the invitation and apply for WORTHY. so we can get shit handled.
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Just believe in yourself, they said. It will be easy, they said. Good vibes only, they said. So, why-the-hell does it feel like it will take an act of god to actually believe in yourself!?
If you’ve ever found yourself wondering why self belief feels so damn illusive, you are certainly not alone. I mean, if you’re worried about what others think about you and you constantly find yourself spinning off into the land of “what ifs” it can be hard to simply tell yourself “you’ve got this” and actually believe it, amiright!?
In this week’s episode, I share 10 tangible tips you can implement TODAY that will aid you in cultivating some confidence and belief in self. Maybe you find yourself second guessing every choice you make or everything you say. Maybe you worry what your family will think if you tell them you aren’t a fan of marriage or having kids or running the family business. Or maybe you’re just sick and tired of getting in your own way so damn much. If any of that sounds like you, be sure to grab a pen and paper because this episode is loaded with ideas you’ll want to record and use. Like, yesterday.
This pod explores:
My favorite confidence-boosting assignment that will give you an immediate dopamine hit
When to use positive self-talk to pump yourself up and when it is absolute WORST thing you can do (Wait, what!? Yep.)
Understanding the science behind self-belief and knowing that confidence is available for absolutely everyone (Yes, YOU)
One of the most effective tools in snapping you out of the “what if” spiral
It’s time to stop talking constant shit to yourself. It’s time to stop caring so much about what everyone else thinks of you. It’s time to let go of that death grip on perfectionism, self-doubt, and people-pleasing. After all, how has that been working? That’s what I thought.
Let’s kick that shit to the curb, shall we? The doors are officially open for an exclusive, group-coaching immersion that will teach you the skills to access some serious “enoughness,” start believing in yourself, and speak up for yourself like a bold, boundaried badass. Oh, and this 9-month, deep-dive includes TWO, 5-day, luxury retreats! Hello!
Want in? Of course you do. Clickety clickRIGHT HERE or click the fancy image to get the invitation and apply for WORTHY. so we can get shit handled.
Recently, in one of my programs, the topic came up about how our relationships start to change as we get further and further into personal development. Sometimes you come up against some opposition from a handful of peeps in your life who don’t really love the “new, empowered you”… The “you” who is setting boundaries. The “you” who is standing up for themselves and knows how they deserve to be treated.
But… something we haven’t talked about as much on the pod is the multitude of other ways that your relationships start to change as you begin to grow and take a stand for yourself – When you start to actually believe that you’re “enough”. And, often, when you’re in the painful, murky waters of looking at all of your shit, you just want to know that something good is going to be on the other side. I mean… tell me that I will love my life even if I’m setting all these boundaries… it won’t always be this hard, right? RIGHT!?
So, this week, I thought I would dig into 6 ways that a strong sense of self-worth radically impacts your relationships For. The. Better. So, you can look at this journey through the lens of what you’re gaining instead of what feels painful. Have a listen and change your perspective on this roller coaster we call Personal Growth.
This pod explores:
How valuing yourself changes how you address what you need in any given relationship
How worthiness changes how much you blame others (like, if only my mom wasn’t such a nag…
How a strong self-worth changes the sorts of relationships you are willing to tolerate
The absolute BEST side effect of cultivating your worth and self-love (Hint: It involves other badasses)
It’s time to stop talking constant shit to yourself. It’s time to stop caring so much about what everyone else thinks of you. It’s time to let go of that death grip on perfectionism, self-doubt, and people-pleasing. After all, how has that been working? That’s what I thought.
Let’s kick that shit to the curb, shall we? The doors are officially open for an exclusive, group-coaching immersion that will teach you the skills to access some serious “enoughness,” start believing in yourself, and speak up for yourself like a bold, boundaried badass. Oh, and this 9-month, deep-dive includes TWO, 5-day, luxury retreats! Hello!
Want in? Of course you do. Clickety clickRIGHT HERE or click the fancy image to get the invitation and apply for WORTHY. so we can get shit handled.
I used to flippantly refer to myself as a Perfectionist and oftentimes I would refer to it being a badge of honor. As I got older and my anxiety increased, I realized that being a chronic perfectionist was actually STEALING my joy instead of making my job easier. But, how does one just stop being a perfectionist?
Perhaps you find yourself in the same boat; Vacillating between being SOLD on the idea that everything has to be just perfect and the conflicting desire to let things “go with the flow” or just be “good enough”. If you’ve found yourself in this dance, you are most certainly not alone. In this week’s episode, I break down just how detrimental the strive for perfection can be and how it often leads to much suffering, frustration, and angst.
Additionally, I dig into 6, easy-to-implement steps you can take to begin allowing room for your humanity without sacrificing excellence and how you can maintain your integrity AND your sanity.
This pod explores:
Why “Perfect” doesn’t really exist and how the pursuit of perfection can be #supes detrimental – But how it also can be exactly what is called for sometimes (Wait, WHAT!?)
How to figure out the personal “Rules” you’ve established for yourself that have locked you into perfectionism and chronically delay your happiness
My favorite tool to catch and re-route your perfectionism in the moment (without overthinking it to death)
How to allow room for excellence and integrity in what you do, without the “pressure of perfect”
It’s time to stop talking constant shit to yourself. It’s time to stop caring so much about what everyone else thinks of you. It’s time to let go of that death grip on perfectionism, self-doubt, and people-pleasing. After all, how has that been working? That’s what I thought.
Let’s kick that shit to the curb, shall we? The doors are officially open for an exclusive, group-coaching immersion that will teach you the skills to access some serious “enoughness,” start believing in yourself, and speak up for yourself like a bold, boundaried badass. Oh, and this 9-month, deep-dive includes TWO, 5-day, luxury retreats! Hello!
Want in? Of course you do. Clickety clickRIGHT HERE or click the fancy image to get the invitation and apply for WORTHY. so we can get shit handled.
Have you ever wanted to change a belief about yourself and so you gather up all your new-founded enthusiasm and hope and begin diligently repeating positive mantras to yourself? But your enthusiasm is short-lived because the minute you begin speaking kindly to yourself, your inner shit-talker jumps in and tells you how ridiculous this whole self-talk thing is and how cute that you think you can do a damn thing about your lack of self-worth.
If you’ve ever rolled your eyes at someone telling you to “just think positively” and you’re like, “Wow! I never thought of that!” then you know exactly what I’m talking about. Here’s the deal: What we want to believe consciously doesn’t matter… like at all, UNLESS it’s congruent with the beliefs in your subconscious mind. So if you have a deep seated belief that you aren’t ‘enough’ and you try to tell yourself otherwise, the beliefs in the subconscious mind will win every time. Every. Time.
So how-the-hell does one change a belief that has a death grip on the subconscious mind? So glad you asked. In this episode I explore how beliefs are made, the different tools of the conscious and subconscious mind, and what you can do right now to start changing your relationship to your ‘enoughness’.
This pod explores:
Why your Inner Critic is not your enemy and is often SPOT ON. Wait, WHAT!? I know.
My favorite self-talk ‘hack’ to get around your Inner Critic if it’s talking shit
The two major ways to change beliefs
How you came to the conclusion that you aren’t worthy, ‘enough’, or loveable
It’s time to stop talking constant shit to yourself. It’s time to stop caring so much about what everyone else thinks of you. It’s time to let go of that death grip on perfectionism, self-doubt, and people-pleasing. After all, how has that been working? That’s what I thought.
Let’s kick that shit to the curb, shall we? The doors are officially open for an exclusive, group-coaching immersion that will teach you the skills to access some serious “enoughness,” start believing in yourself, and speak up for yourself like a bold, boundaried badass. Oh, and this 9-month, deep-dive includes TWO, 5-day, luxury retreats! Hello!
Want in? Of course you do. Clickety clickRIGHT HERE or click the fancy image to get the invitation and apply for WORTHY. so we can get shit handled.
Have you ever had a situation where you were super disappointed, hurt, or overwhelmed and you jumped to the conclusion that you must certainly not be ‘enough’? Perhaps you’ve been having a difficult time finding a job and the stress you’ve been feeling has you non-stop thinking how you mess everything up. Or that you simply aren’t smart enough. Or maybe you had a friend distance themselves from you and you interpret the hurt you feel to mean you aren’t worth being friends with.
When we are feeling uncomfortable emotions, it can be so easy to immediately conclude that we aren’t worthy, lovable, or deserving of the life we want. Our emotions are fleeting experiences, yet we often create a lasting, all-encompassing story about who we are. As in, if this person doesn’t love me, I must not be lovable. The first experience is a fleeting life situation with short-term emotions, so why do we make up a bullshit story that we carry through the rest of our lives?
In this episode, I look at the difference between the emotions we feel around not being “enough” and how that differs from a deep-seated belief that you aren’t enough. This is a deep dive on emotional intelligence, how to feel through hardship to gain healing, and why you are never, ever wrong for what you feel. Get ready to untangle your temporary emotions from your sense of self-worth.
This pod explores:
Understanding how to work with your emotions (instead of eating/drinking them away)
Understanding the difference between physical feelings and emotional feelings (and why we commonly conflate the two)
My house metaphor and how it can dramatically change your view of your worth
The first two steps to take toward untangling your emotions from you self-worth
It’s time to stop talking constant shit to yourself. It’s time to stop caring so much about what everyone else thinks of you. It’s time to let go of that death grip on perfectionism, self-doubt, and people-pleasing. After all, how has that been working? That’s what I thought.
Let’s kick that shit to the curb, shall we? I’m about to open the doors for an exclusive, small group-coaching immersion that will teach you the skills to access some serious “enoughness,” start believing in yourself, and speak up for yourself like a bold, boundaried badass. Oh, and this 9-month, deep-dive includes TWO all-inclusive, 5-day, luxury retreats! Hello!
Want in? Of course, you do. Clickety clickRIGHT HERE or click the fancy image to get on the VIP list and be the first to be notified when the application window is open for WORTHY.
I'm a sassy-ass life coach and hypnotherapist who specializes in all things self-worth and confidence. I help aspiring badasses (hint: that's YOU!) speak up for themselves without being assholes. As in... telling your mom to stop butting into your relationship. You feel me, no?
It's time to let go of all that people-pleasing and cultivate some serious "enoughness". You're home, love. You're home.
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