you are



You. Are. Worthy.






  The minute you even think about doing something to take care of YOU, your inner shit-talker starts GOING OFF…      

You should be folding laundry! You should be working out!      

You should be hangin’ with the kids! You should finish that work project!

Should, should, should, FUCKING SHOULD!

  Truth be told, you care waaaay too much what others think, but have no idea how to stop that crazy-train. I mean, is it even possible?     

  You would be MORTIFIED if anyone knew how much self-doubt and fear control your everyday life. Because, I mean…    

  You still have shit from your past that you have a hellova time letting go of… like, that shit mom put you through, you lousy ex, or that job you swear you screwed up. 


  No matter what you do, how much you achieve, how much you bust your ass, you always feel ‘not enough’.      

Not pretty enough.      

Not educated enough.      

Not successful enough.      

Not a good enough parent.

  You have a really hard time saying “No” or establishing any kind of boundary, so you often just do, and do, and do for everyone else until you just can’t take it anymore and totally fucking explode. Like, MELTDOWN status.

And, then you beat yourself up for not being able to handle it. And, then you start the cycle over again.     

  You’re fiercely independent, so you hide out, isolate, and never, ever as for help. And even talk people OUT OF helping you.






  Let go of the disempowering belief that you’re a fraud and people are going to magically find out you aren’t qualified… especially since you have an arsenal of degrees, accomplishments, and credentials. You’ll be owning your brilliance with poise and grace.

  Kick burnout, overwhelm, and stress to the curb. No more doing (and doing and doing) for everyone else while your health and happiness suffer. You’ll know exactly how to honor what YOU need and exactly how to advocate for yourself.

  Be the model of self-care and confidence by showing your clients/family/subordinates what it really looks like to establish boundaries by sticking to your set hours and not over-extending yourself. Check you out walking your talk!  

  Have the personal confidence and self-love to jump HEAD-ON into starting that non-profit you’re so passionate about… or hitting the gym, making gains, and LOVIN’ those curves while you’re at it.

Or entering the dating scene again, knowing you are a sweet-ass catch, and they better bring their A-game. Stat.

  Look in the mirror and speak to yourself like a bestie and lovin’ up on yourself the way you would your fav niece… or daughter… or grandkid.

You lovingly say, “You are enough!” and actually, fucking believe it. #whoa

  Let go of the parts of your past that haunt you… Like, that relationship you still beat yourself up for, or all that blame you still have for Mom.

You are going to enter into a new phase of total forgiveness which = Full. On. Freedom.

  Tell the class mom that you’ll have to pass on baking those cupcakes or chaperoning that field trip or tell your dad you won’t be planning this year’s family reunion, but you so appreciate them thinking of you.

Wait! Did you just say “NO” and feel amazing about it!? Yep. You’ll know exactly how decline with grace + kindness and… Guilt? We don’t know her.




Amanda Choate

Middleton, Wisconsin



I wasn’t happy, tired of always putting everyone else’s needs above my own, and tired of being afraid to speak up for myself.


Before this life-changing course, I had elevated self-sacrifice to an art form, believing that if I took care of everyone else first, eventually it would be my turn for them to take care of me. Through this course, I learned I was unconsciously projecting that my needs WEREN’T important, BECAUSE I hadn’t been making them a priority.


Changing this mental belief was life altering. It has completely changed my perspective of myself and how my friends and family treat me. My worthiness isn’t something I have to prove. It just IS. It is up to me to embody that belief by speaking up for what I think, need and want. My wants and desires are just as important as everyone else’s.

Terri Bradway

Santa Clara, California

I no longer apologize for myself and I really like who I am!


I felt stagnant, distracted, and overwhelmed.


Before this incredible course, I felt stagnant, distracted, and overwhelmed at times with guilt and the need to seek approval.


And then, in Amy’s brilliant course, I learned to clarify what fears were holding me back in my life, to give myself the permission to feel, think, want, love and be who I am without guilt or needing confirmation from others. And now my life is animated again and I’m on a new career path too! The only approval I need is my own. I don’t need to apologize for who I am, what I love, who I’m close to, what I want, etc.

I have made peace with certain relationships and with giving myself permission to feel what I feel. I have also made huge strides in my marriage regarding understanding and communication. 

I have a million things to be grateful for thanks to you, Amy. Above all, I no longer apologize for myself unless it is warranted. I really like who I am! It has brought me so much freedom… thank you for everything you’ve taught me and given me… you will be the vision of what a gifted coach and mentor looks like.

Jill Long

Houston, TX

I constantly give myself permission to be human rather than beat myself up for not being perfect.


I was really unhappy. And needed something.


Before this course I felt overwhelmed, unhappy, and not in control of my life. I was missing out on the joys life is supposed to bring. Settling for less than I deserved and less than what I was capable of had become the norm. I had to do something different.


My results were astounding. I am not the same person I was before the course. And for that, I will be forever grateful.

I can now describe with total confidence and clarity what I stand for- my values and my beliefs. I have the tools to fall back on when life gets rough and I constantly give myself permission to be human rather than beat myself up for not being perfect.

I have taken away so many powerful lessons. With Amy’s help I really planted the seeds for a healthier more abundant and inspired future. And that is exciting!

To anyone that is considering taking this course I say do it. Don’t over think it. Just jump in. It will be just as the title says….deep and dirty. But you’ll emerge as a new version of you if you do the work. And Amy will be there to support you 150% of the time. She’s simply amazing at what she does- she has found her calling! It’s life changing and will serve you long after the course is complete.


How to stop being so mean to yourself. You’ll learn how to catch your inner shit-talker and switch up that internal conversation so that you start saying empowering things to yourself. Like, on the regular. (ie. No more beating yourself up for the weight you’ve gained or the interview you blew. Or for spilling that coffee.)

When you constantly speak kindly to yourself, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. Start the biz, honey. Quit that job. Buy that house. And for god’s sake, DUMP HIM.

How to feel like “ENOUGH”. You’ll stop thinking that “as long as that one person likes me, then I must be pretty enough” or “as long as I get that promotion, then I must be smart enough”. Flipping that script, baby!

Knowing, and I mean really knowing, that you are already “enough” changes every-THANG. Say a big Adele-style-Hello to massive confidence, leading you to go after all those things you’ve been dying to do. Like, opening that Bed n’ Breakfast or traveling the U.S. in your new RV.

How to stop caring sooooo much what everyone else thinks. For instance, you’ll stop saying “yes” to a bunch of shit you don’t want to do (like working over-time or walking on eggshells around your partner).

Your time will be YOURS, so get ready to let go of (other people’s) stress so YOU are now at the top of your to-do list. Time for that speed-reading course? Done. Time to paint that mural? Check.

How to stop (constantly) comparing yourself to others.

You’ll learn my favorite tool for letting go of the comparison trap and how to stay focused on what you DO want instead of getting sidetracked by the “I’m not good enough” syndrome.

How to speak up for yourself. Boundaries. Tough Conversations. Saying ‘No’ (and not feeling guilty). Not letting people walk all over you because you can never seem to find the words. All of it. You will be able to communicate in the stickiest of situations and come out feeling so damn empowered you won’t even believe the words came out of your mouth.

How to fall in love with yourself. All of the concepts above are designed to help you create a completely different relationship with yourself. Like, one where you actually like yourself. When you actually like the woman you are, you tolerate exactly zero bullshit from others. And you speak kindly to yourself. You’ll learn how to forgive your past mistakes and you won’t be nearly as invested in what everyone else thinks.

Not to mention that you’ll be shouting (and BELIEVING):


is for courageous, HIGH-achieving women desiring to let go of the past, usher in some MUCH-NEEDED confidence, and finally feel ‘enough’ already.


Ready to finally believe
You are worthy?

I can sPEAK up for myself and not take on other people’s shit.

Idon’t have to apologize for who I am – I am lovable, valuable, and enough just as I am right now. I can speak up for myself and not take on other’s people’s shit and I am not a dick for establishing a boundary or putting myself first. I am always responsible for my words and actions (and handling myself with grace and kindness), but I am not responsible for how someone receives or perceives what I am saying.

This course has changed me and reawakened my spirit. I have a renewed sense of self-worth and I am on the right path, armed with tools to bring happiness and fulfillment back into my life. Amy’s style, approach, and tools are manageable, relatable, and immediately implementable.

~ Kristen T., Canada


Our 9-month program works like this:

  Each month you’ll have a module of focus, consisting of multiple mini-lessons. Each module is strategically spaced out so you will have 4 weeks to complete the lessons and implement what you learn. You will access all your modules via a private, password protected Training Site/Learning Portal and your access will never expire!

  You’ll also have a comprehensive (and gorgeous) set of worksheets accompanying each audio lesson so you can cement your learning

  Every other week, we’ll have a 1-on-1 session where you can get coaching, mentorship, and personalized assignments on what you’re currently processing

  Everything you see in the fancy images below is included in your 9-month program.


Think of these lessons like wisdom bombs in your earphones. Each module is comprised of multiple mini-lessons: Short, potent, and packed with tools, you’ll be super clear on what to focus on each week to create the change you desire.

Each module is spaced out 3-5 weeks to give ample time for completion, implementation, and clarity.



Your worksheets are your personal blueprint to confidence and “enoughness!” To supplement your lessons, you will receive strategic worksheets to help you digest and implement your learning.

Science shows that when you actually write things down, you are far more likely to create the change you desire in your life.


When in the state of hypnosis (which is simply the slowing down of brain waves) the inner critic essentially goes to sleep, allowing you to imbed empowering beliefs into the subconscious mind. It’s a method of radically speeding up the process of shifting your beliefs, so you can say “I set powerful boundaries” or “I am enough!” and genuinely believe it.

In WORTHY., you’ll have hypnosis tracks that accompany all nine modules, and you’ll also receive a custom, subliminal hypnotrack made for you during the belief module.


Over our time together, you may find that you need some deep dive time with me to unpack something that has come up around the lessons or during your everyday life.

You will have 16, 60-minute calls with me (plus recordings) to use during your program.


Upon acceptance to WORTHY., you’ll receive access to me via a mobile walky-talky-style app called Voxer (available on both iPhone and android). Through this app you’ll be able to message me any time day or night and is quite possibly one of the best elements of working with me one-on-one.

No need to wait for our next session… simply message me and I’ll get back to you asap. This can be super helpful for days when you’re struggling, want to share a win, or when you need some lazer support.

Plus, you can leave text, audio, video, gifs, and more!


Each week, I’ll jump into our Voxer thread and check in on our agreed upon homework and accountability items. I keep records of everything you’re currently working on, what lesson you’re on, and what additional assignments you’ve been given.

This is designed to keep you on task as personal accountability is one of the greatest contributors to change.

Imagine what will change in your life with weekly accountability!


Because your personal development journey is on-going, you will have access to all your materials forevah-evah, so you can review when needed! You’ll never have to worry about losing access to your learning portal and will have access to all curriculum updates as well!

Many students like revisiting modules as new situations arise in their lives.

  Amy taught me how to set ninja boundaries.


I wanted to set boundaries, stop feeling guilty, and stop people-pleasing.


Prior to this course, I was stuck in a cycle of people-pleasing, feeling guilty, unworthy and undeserving that my desires matter. I struggled with communicating my needs assertively and with establishing boundaries professionally and with friendships.


This is the best course I’ve ever taken. Amy taught me how to set ninja boundaries, speak my truth with grace and kindness and gave me some killer tools on how to not feel guilty. I now have more confidence than ever before and feel like I’m living a more authentic expression of myself. I truly believe at my core that I’m more than enough.

~ Kim Carroll, Albuquerque, New Mexico


Over our 9-month journey together, you’ll recEIve everything you need to take you from struggling in the land of self-criticism, people-pleasing and perfectionism to soaring on the wings of confidence, courage, and “enoughness”.

Each of the 9 modules are comprised of multiple-mini lessons and you will have 4 weeks to consume, digest, and implement.


How you process (or don’t process) your emotions contributes greatly to your fulfillment. We’ll start our time together understanding the role of emotions in our lives, how to practice vulnerability without feeling like you want to pull all your teeth out, and what to do when you’re trying to fix emotional feelings with physical feelings (aka why you turn to food or booze instead of processing how you feel). Your emotions will soon be your super power and it will have you navigating sticky situations with ease and personal pride. In fact, your emotions are now one of your most trusted guides.


  • Working with an Emotions Wheel
  • Amy’s process of bridging the gap between what you currently feel and what you want to feel
  • Safely working with vulnerability (and when not to)
  • Understanding the connection between emotional feelings and physical feelings
  • Hypnosis track on honoring the messages from your emotions

The situation can suck, but I DON’T SUCK! ~ Amy Avery, Columbus, Ohio


In Module #2 we’ll dig into all things FEAR and you’ll learn how to work with your fear (aka become “Fear-Optimized”) instead of being paralyzed and controlled by it. After this week’s work, you’ll know exactly how to operate from a place of courage and bravery… on the regular. You’ll walk into those biz meetings ready to nail your presentation and because you won’t be so damn fearful, and you’ll be waaaay more present and engaged with your kids. Or spouse. Or bestie.

You’ll learn how to dissect your inner conversation in order to figure out where you have been holding yourself back. You’ll learn what to listen for in your inner speech, where/when/with whom you are triggered, and how to create an internal conversation of confidence. This week will have you speaking to yourself like you would speak to your kid or fav niece, leaving you empowered and ready to go after that new job or start dating again.


  • Our four primitive fear responses and their modern iterations
  • Personifying your Inner Critic as well as your Highest Self
  • Amy’s signature I.N.C. process to help you shift your response to triggers
  • Working with Amy’s “Find My Truth” tool to figure out the stories you’ve been making up
  • Parts Work – Working with the various “parts” of you (ie. the perfectionist, the little girl, etc.)
  • Hypnosis track on fear and working with your inner critic

One of my biggest takeaways was learning to speak to myself differently – Learning to recognize the bad thoughts immediately and change them, and creating a self-talk that moves me forward. After only a few short months my life has completely transformed!

~ Molly Gaynor, Charleston, South Carolina


Spoiler alert! The experiences of your childhood and youth greatly shape what you tolerate in your life, what kind of relationships you sustain, and what coping mechanisms you use as a defense. This module focuses on healing wounds from childhood and adolescence and you’ll be surprised how much this helps you establish much-needed boundaries. You’ll be looking around you to only find uplifting and fulfilling relationships!


  • Emotional Regression (aka When you become the 18-year-old version of yourself around your sister)
  • Attachment Styles
  • Amy’s “Every Incident Counts” framework to aid you in figuring out what incidents from your past have negatively impacted you
  • Hypnosis track on connecting with your Inner Child

I don’t have to apologize for who I am – I am lovable, valuable, and enough just as I am right now.
~ Kristen T., Canada


You’ll dig into the origin of your current beliefs (aka Why you believe you aren’t “enough”) and how these beliefs you established early on have crafted your entire reality. Get ready to let go of the idea that you aren’t worthy, loveable, or smart! 

Further breaking free from the “I’m-Not-Enough Complex”, this module will give you the skills to start establishing a new belief system in which thrive. You will learn exactly what you need to do to support your new empowering beliefs and will be immediately setting yourself up for success. You’ll walk away knowing that you are lovable, deserving of everything you desire, and valuable. Just. As. You. Are.

You’ll look at how you have attached your self-worth to other people’s opinions of you. Finally believing in your own worth will have you confidently standing up to your overbearing mom/sister/boss, allowing ONLY fulfilling and rich relationships in your life, and listening to what YOU want for a change.


  • Understanding the anatomy of belief systems, identifying disempowering beliefs, and choosing new, empowering beliefs
  • Identifying your go-to coping mechanisms/behaviors
  • Amy’s Belief Tree Work
  • Mirror Work
  • Amy’s House Analogy
  • Letting go of the Chase for Worthiness
  • Understanding the social constructs that contribute to beliefs of “not enough”
  • A custom made, subliminal hypnosis track created specifically for you to solidify your new beliefs

Amy showed me how to identify triggers that caused my inner critic to start jabbering bullshit at me, how to give myself permission to not be perfect, and how to start new beliefs that allowed me to feel worthy and successful. ~ Annette Carlsen, Crescent City, California

I learned that I Am Enough!!! And that I truly am lovable. ~ Jacquelyn Ellis, Las Vegas, Nevada


This week targets letting go of the past and working on forgiveness for both yourself and others. You’ll learn what it really means to forgive and how to shift your perspective around things you may beat yourself up for as well as blame you may hold for others in your life. When you get triggered by thoughts of the past, you’ll know exactly how to process that trigger with self-trust and confidence.


  • A signature framework for processing guilt or anger at your younger self or other folks from your past
  • Understanding what forgiveness truly is, when it’s warranted, and when it’s not
  • Amy’s Forgiveness + Gratitude Grid to aid in processing events of the past
  • Judgement + Blame 
  • Hypnosis track on letting go

I don’t have to apologize for who I am – I am lovable, valuable, and enough just as I am right now.
~ Kristen T., Canada


Ever feel like your entire identity is wrapped up in your work? Or in your parenting? This week will teach you how to address all your life roles so you can pay attention to what really makes you happy. When you say “I’m a ________” or I’m so ___________” you will now have the tools to fill in the blanks with “identifiers” that empower you. Just imagine what you’ll be able to accomplish when you feel like Wonder Woman!

This module is all about figuring out the exact components that MUST be present in your life in order for you to be the most fulfilled and happy. You’ll figure out your deal-breaker values and how they affect your closest relationships as well as what it actually looks like to LIVE your values. You won’t believe how much easier it is to establish boundaries, speak up for yourself, and only spend time with peeps who build you up.


  • Understanding your current life roles and how to create your optimal life roles
  • Analyzing how you’ve been “branded” throughout your life + choosing your most powerful identity
  • Core Values deep dive – How to find them, how to honor them, and knowing which values are dealbreakers
  • Vocabulary Work – Using empowering language
  • Amy’s tool to help you figure out the traits you want to cultivate in yourself
  • Hypnosis track on being the person you desire to be

I feel like I’m standing firmly on my own two feet, honoring myself and my values while deepening my connection to others. It feels like a true homecoming, and I’m so grateful!

~ Erin Rourke, Milwaukee, Wisconsin


You’ll dissect where you have been focusing on what others think of you and how that has been contributing to your suffering. You’ll be crystal clear about what you ARE and ARE NOT responsible for (spoiler: you’re not responsible for other people’s happiness). Instead of worrying that you “let someone down” or HAVE TO do everything perfectly, you’ll start making choices based off what YOU want. You’ll blow yourself away with all the freedom you create for yourself!

If you have ever experienced rejection you thought would damn-near kill you, this module will blow you away. You’ll learn 5 steps to deal with/process criticism and how to stop apologizing and over-explaining your thoughts, beliefs, and opinions.  You’ll be loads stronger (like, ninja-warrior-style), brushin’ off useless opinions of others, and powerfully going after your deepest desires… Even finding your soulmate. Or booking that trip to Costa Rica.


  • Understanding the primitive reason we people-please, when it’s healthy, and when it’s detrimental
  • Attachment v. Responsibility – When you’re attached to an individual (like a partner or family member) and love them deeply so you take on the responsibility to make them happy – We’ll be shifting that big time!
  • Navigating guilt – You’ll learn Amy’s process for moving through guilt and letting go of shit that isn’t yours to carry
  • How to stop apologizing and over-explaining yourself
  • Amy’s 5-step process to dealing with rejection and/or criticism
  • Hypnosis track on letting go of the opinions of others

Saying “No” with grace and kindness is no longer a struggle for me and I am practicing asking for what I want or going for what I need without worrying what the peanut gallery has to say about it!

~ Siobhan Nassalang, Madison, Wisconsin


This module takes all your newfound confidence and puts it into practice with others. You’ll learn how to say “no” to shit that doesn’t serve you, how to handle sticky conversations with ease, and how to actually communicate your thoughts, opinions, and needs from a place of honesty, grace, and kindness. The shift in your relationships will blow your mind. Your bullshit tolerance gets nice and tiny during this mod. Get ready for breakthroughs with your kids, spouse, and co-workers.


  • Amy’s signature framework for having tough conversations
  • How to figure out what boundaries you need to set
  • Amy’s 3-step process to setting and enforcing boundaries
  • How to prep for a difficult event (like, when you’re seeing a bunch of challenging family) 
  • How to say ‘No’ to specific requests of you (and shit you don’t want in your life)
  • When and how to apologize

I can stand up for myself and not take on other’s people’s shit and I am not a dick for establishing a boundary or putting myself first. ~ Kristen T., Canada


This module is all about sustainability. This is about taking the wealth of growth and knowledge you have accumulated over the past months and creating a completely new way of operating. You will establish systems, habits, and support to continue and maintain your empowerment! There’s no looking back, Baby! You’ve gone from freaked-out approval seeker to bold and boundaried badass!


  • Reviewing your time in WORTHY., acknowledging yourself for all the change you’ve created
  • Understanding how you operate best and how to structure your future learning around your personal method of success
  • In-depth review of entire program and deciding on what tools you want to continue to implement
  • Navigating the different responses from others to the new, empowered version of you
  • The importance of celebration
  • Deciding on your next steps

This course provided me with the tools I need to continue on in life with more courage and confidence. I’m so very grateful for the experience and would take your courses again!

~ Erin McQueen, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

plus two bonus modules!


You’ll learn exactly what it looks like to create a support system and friendships that support your growth and development. You will identify exactly what you want in your friendships and you’ll leave happy hour/dinner dates/concerts in the park with a full heart, feeling supported and loved by your deep and rich connections.

I’ve entered a new phase in life where I am surrounded by good people who match my vibe!!

~ Janis Gaudelli


You’ll go through a specific process designed to figure out exactly what lights you up and fulfills you in a specialized area of your life. This bonus module is designed to get to the bottom of what has been happening for you currently, what is missing, the step you need to take to crystalize your vision.

I got over an Ex for GOOD!



I was constantly feeling bad, second guessing myself, and feeling that I wasn’t good enough.


Before this course, I didn’t believe in myself or the decisions that I made. I didn’t FEEL like I was good at anything even though I “knew” I was.


Amy has taught me how to not be controlled by people in my life, and tune in to what my true talents are….and the best part is that I believe them.

What I learned, and the tools I learned have empowered me to speak my truth, make decisions, and clearly communicate. As I’ve used the tools, I now gather evidence everywhere to build my confidence and my levels of anxiety have gone way down, as well as second guessing myself.

My relationships are better, as I am able to work through conflicts, and I don’t “feel bad” for not committing or feel like I have to over-explain to smooth things out or that I didn’t do enough. I can state my decisions gracefully and with confidence b/c I am proud of how I am showing up for myself. It has taught me how to be fulfilled by ME.

~ Alison Beach, Falls Church, Virginia


they’re for you.
Ready to finally believe
You are worthy?


Y our WORTHY. immersion is guided by Amy Green Smith, CPCC, CHT, a certified and credentialed life coach and hypnotherapist, masterful speaker, and courageous communication expert. Amy uses her roles as coach, mentor, podcaster, and keynote speaker to move individuals beyond limiting beliefs and sabotaging mindsets to a place of radical personal empowerment and self-worth.

With acute focus on helping people “find their voice,” Amy uses her popular weekly podcast, The Bold-Faced Truth, to address issues of worthiness, self-confidence, and letting go of people-pleasing to assist listeners in creating and living radically joyful lives.

A 15+ year veteran of the personal development space, Amy is highly sought after for her uncommon style of irreverence, wisdom, and humor and has been a featured expert on well-over 115 podcasts and online events, in Inspired Coach Magazine, and on Fox 5 San Diego.

I believe that the key to unlocking killer self-worth is about learning to speak kindly to yourself (instead of being such a #bully), creating a new definition of self-worth where you are “enough” (I can help with that, btw), and learning to let everyone else’s shit Be. Their. Shit. Period.


    A strong proponent for extensive education in the field of coaching, Amy attained her coaching certification (CPCC designation, 2009) through The Coaches Training Institute, a well-known pioneer educational establishment in the field of coaching. (a.k.a. NOT just a weekend, online class saying “Wheeeeee, you’re a coach now!”) Additionally, she is credentialed with the International Coaching Federation (ACC designation, 2009), which is currently the only governing body that oversees the coaching profession. Fancy, right? It is.

    She is also a certified hypnotherapist through the Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI, 2019) which holds the distinction of being America’s first nationally accredited school of Hypnotherapy. She also holds certifications in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP, 2020), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT, 2020) commonly called Tapping, Handwriting Analysis (2020), and Inner Child Work (2020). She also has a bachelor’s degree in Business Management, which has been wildly instrumental in supporting her entrepreneurial journey. She is an active member of the American Hypnosis Association, National Speakers Association, and NSA Carolinas.

    N ot only will you be guided by a leader who knows exactly what it takes to actually feel WORTHY., but you’ll also be mentored by someone who has a decade and a half of experience, is fully in your corner, and will load you up with battle-tested, P R O V E N tools and strategies to get you the communication skills, confidence, and worthiness you so deeply desire.


    Listen up, Love,


    Life is too damn short to waste one more minute… Pleasing everyone else… Worrying about everyone else… Doing, doing, doing for everyone else

    So how many more days/hours/minutes are you going to waste living for everyone else?

    No. More.



    Because WORTHY. spans a full 9 months and I only take a few clients each year, it will require both you and me to make a commitment and investment on multiple levels. 

    Time Commitment and Investment:

    Commitment involves 9 months of study and coaching with weekly time dedicated to your personal process. I have crafted WORTHY. to suit how adult learners retain and implement information and have built in much implementation time into each module. Of course, we’ll be kicking perfectionism to the curb, so I don’t expect you to check every single box, but I do expect you to show up, do the work, and stay immersed in the program.

    Monetary Commitment and Investment:

    The value of the program, working with me privately, my tenure, education, and experience is worth over $19K (and damn worth it, I may add). But I wanted to make this program attainable for the ambitious, soulful women I’m calling into this work. The investment for this program may be a stretch, but is very possible for the woman who knows it’s her time to invest in herself. To say this work is life-changing is a massive understatement.

    In order to make this investment as easy as possible, your tuition can be broken up into a MANAGeABLE payment plan. An initial deposit of $3500 will secure your spot in the program with the remaining tuition paid over 11 monthly payments of $773. ($3500 deposit + 11 x $773)

    All payment plan options, including how to save over $1,000 by doing a full pay, will be discussed in detail during your private discovery call interview.

    A special note regarding the monetary investment:

    I know all too well how easy it can be to write off opportunities that are calling to me due to the investment. You may have a voice inside of you that says there is “no way” you can afford to do this… You may even think you aren’t worth the investment. The truth is – there is no greater investment than placing importance, time, and energy toward YOU. Start with your application and watch magic and miracles unfold to help you manifest the funds needed to participate. 


    Sara can speak up for herself and handle tough conversations like a #boss


    Before this course I was overwhelmed with work, having a lot of difficulty saying no to clients, and general difficulty communicating what I wanted.


    Amy and I talked about my underlying beliefs, how what I want and need are also important, and truly how to speak up for myself (with grace and kindness of course). Now I do a much better job of pausing to notice what I actually want, voicing my concerns in the moment and when I don’t I circle back faster, remembering that I am already enough, and focusing on what I can do to change a situation. ) I really, really can stand up for myself/have a voice and what other people want is not MORE important than what I want.

    It was an intense 3 months, and when I look back on all that changed during that time, I can hardly believe it! To name a few: I had tough conversations with my husband, I stood up to my boss, made huge professional advancements, I began thinking about how every time I say ‘yes’ when I am thinking ‘no’ I am choosing the other person over myself and I started to change that, I looked at the relationship with my step-mom, and I stood up to my mom.

    I am incredibly grateful to Amy for being my teacher and for being with me every step of the way! Thank you so much Amy for the huge opportunity, for your time, for your knowledge, for your compassion, for your work, and for your patience.

    ~ Sara J., St. Louis, Missouri


    To qualify for consideration for WORTHY. please complete the following steps:

    1) Read this invitation PAGE in entirety
    2) Complete your application

    If you are a YES or even a MAYBE, then… please complete this WORTHY. application.

    Filling out the application in no way obligates you to enroll in the program. It is simply the next step in exploring if you’re a fit. Filling out the application alone can be hugely healing and enlightening.

    3) Schedule your interview call

    After you complete your application, you’ll be invited to schedule a one-on-one, complimentary, interview call so we can confirm that WORTHY. is right fit for both of us.

    Respect + Honor Disclaimer: Please schedule your interview call as soon as possible after you submit your application. Spots are filled on a first come basis and this helps our team to work with ease as we manage the significant number of applications coming in.

    PLEASE NOTE: We will personally review your application before your interview call and should we feel, based on your application, that WORTHY. would not serve you, we will kindly respect your time by cancelling the call with a love note email indicating next steps that might be a better fit for where you’re at on your journey.

    GOT Qs? I’VE GOT As…
    If your question isn’t covered below, feel free to contact us using the form below.


    If you’re afraid, you’re on the right track! Damn-near all the women who’ve worked through programs with me were at least a little nervous (to downright scared shitless) to start working on themselves and jump into this not knowing anyone. Your inner-critic will likely go NUTS telling you this won’t work for you, you’re too damaged, etc. ← Bullshit stories. But as I like to say, if you’re inner-critic is instilling fear in you, you’re on to something BIG! :)


    Because it is digital, you are totally able to go through the lessons on your own time and at your own pace. At literally any time of the day or night. The lessons will be delivered to you on a structured timeline, but if life gets in the way, you can certainly create a schedule that works for you. 

    Upon registration, you will receive access to the Getting Started Module, your program pre-work, and all the tools in the Additional Resources. After that, a new module will be “unlocked” for you on a structured schedule starting with Module 1. It’s structured this way to keep you on task and focused on the lesson at hand.


    Each of the main modules contain 4-7 mini-lessons which are roughly 2 hours of total content. You will have 4 weeks to focus on one module and all the lessons therein. Additionally, we will meet every other week for the 9 months we’re together and those sessions are 60 minutes.

    Beyond that, it really comes down to how much time and attention you want to give yourself and this program. A majority of “the work” is what you will be doing in your day in and day out life as you implement what you’ve been learning.

    I’d say setting aside two hours per week would be a great jumping off point. And, keep in mind that you will have access to the materials forever so you’ll always be able to revisit. 

    What if I'm not sure I can afford it?

    Listen, I obviously don’t have access to your finances, so I can’t sound off on if that’s true or not. But, I do know that inner shit-talkers LOVE to show up with the “I can’t afford it” big fat lie to keep you THE SAME. The same patterns. The same obstacles. The same behaviors. The same struggles. 

    I do know that this program can absolutely change your life… I’ve seen this work do that hundreds of times. The investment should be a stretch, but it shouldn’t cause you financial stress. It shouldn’t be a choice of keeping the lights on or not, but if you have to move some things around to get some serious skin in the game, it will create the exact energetic investment you need to make massive shifts.

    If you find that you often hide behind finances as an excuse… I encourage you to take a deep breath and apply.  

    Another thing I’m sure of – you DESERVE to live your life knowing you are WORTHY. That you are enough. That you are deserving of love and happiness. That is priceless. I’m teaching a profound way of accessing your intrinsic “enoughness.” If you’re feeling a tug at your gut that this is meant for you, please apply.


    Oh, love. I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard that. Seriously though… It’s such a valid concern. I get it. Here’s the deal: If you put in the work and truly implement what you are learning there is absolutely no reason why you can’t see the shifts you want in your life.

    Have a read through some of the testimonials below… These women were just like you, feeling so fearful it wouldn’t work for them either. You are not uniquely broken. There isn’t something wrong with you. It’s simply your beliefs that need a bit of work. And, that is totally doable, my friend. It’s literally science. And if I may, you aren’t exempt from the science. Again, don’t take it from me… read their stories. You do the work, and you can change your entire life. I’ve seen it hundreds of times.


    WORTHY. is by far the most robust, comprehensive, and transformative programs I’ve ever curated. If you have gone through Deep, Down, + Dirty in the last year or so, you will notice a decent amount of cross-over in the programs. That being said, there are significant additions that have been made, including Inner Child Work, Attachment Styles, Emotional Intelligence, Parts Work, and Hypnosis tracks to accompany all modules. If it’s been over a year or so since you’ve gone through DD+D, you will likely experience this program in a massively different way. Additionally, the modules have been broken down in a completely different manner to cater to the way adult learners retain and implement information. Not to mention we’ll be in our circle for the better part of a year – Remember how much you got out of a shorter program? Imagine what will shift when you are in this level of mentorship for nine months! Plus we’ll have our TWO in-person retreats which adds an incredibly transformative element to your growth.

    We are on a constant, evolving journey. We’re never done. You don’t ever reach the point when you no longer need to drink water or no longer need to go to the dentist. This work is your spiritual, emotional, and mental health. And, it involves maintenance. I can’t tell you how many books, podcasts, coaching tools, and programs I have revisited over and over again at different stages of my life and reaped completely new and exciting benefits. If you have worked through any of my other programs, this will absolutely push you in different, profound ways.


    Sure! It’s simply where I can forcibly make you cluck like a chicken. Just kidding. That isn’t really a thing. Hypnosis is actually just a slowing down of the brainwave state. When you are fully awake, your brain waves move at a faster rate and when you are completely asleep, those waves slow considerably. A hypnotic state is a brainwave state called Theta which is in-between awakened and asleep. For that reason, we all go into hypnosis at least twice a day: once as we arise and once as we go to sleep.

    Have you ever had the experience of driving to a destination only to find that once you arrive, you have no recollection of how you got there? Spoiler: You were in a hypnotic trance. Your subconscious knows exactly how to drive and knows directions and traffic stops, so your conscious mind could be occupied with what you should have said to your partner during that fight earlier today.

    You’ll get multiple lessons on how the subconscious and conscious mind work, but for all intents and purposes, think of hypnosis as meditation with a specific goal. I am trained to understand sensory preference, so if you have a tough time with visualization, don’t worry. It’s likely you need meditations or hypnosis that caters to your particular sensory style. The hypnosis tracks that accompany each module will feel just like guided mediation. Also, you can use any or all of your one-on-one sessions with me to experience live hypnosis. Totally your call. You’ll also have a custom, subliminal hypnosis track made for you to aid in anchoring your new beliefs. This will be one of your easiest assignments as it simply sounds like music with a faint voice in the background. Your subconscious can hear the messaging but it leaves your conscious mind free to do whatever else: fold laundry (ugh), get some work done, apply lip gloss (yaaaas), whatever. 

    The most important thing to know about being in a Theta brainwave state is that it essentially puts the critical factor of the mind (aka the Inner Critic) to sleep, allowing you to imbed desired (and more empowering) beliefs into the subconscious without your inner critic screaming about how stupid this whole thing is. It has the capacity to accelerate your transformation dramatically and in a much shorter time frame. 


    Um, no. Not even close. I can’t tell you how many students are blown away with how much more in-depth my courses are compared to the pod. Think of the pod like an appetizer and think of this program like a 7-course dinner… with dessert… and coffee… and booze… and leftovers. Plus, I never, ever want my students to think they could have just gotten the info on the pod, so I make it extremely important to save the juiciest and most life-changing content for my students!


    Absolutely. Monday – Friday, I will respond to every question you have via a private messaging app called Voxer. You will be able to bring anything to me that you are going through whether it be related to the curriculum or your every day life. You can leave me messages in both audio or text forms which is wildly convenient in getting the support you need.

    You will be blown away with the amount of direct, specific support you receive from me. This is one of the reasons why I only work with a few clients at a time as it is very important to me to take care of each client’s needs.


    Not at all. Due to the digital nature of the program, you will have access to your student portal day and night, in any time zone. You will simply need to check out your time zone conversion for our live coaching calls.


    Yes! Once all modules have been unlocked you will have access to all the materials any time you choose. Literally, forever. You can revisit anything/everything as needed and you’ll always have a resource to help you through anything that may be challenging for you. 

    Additionally, whenever there are updates or additions made to the program, you will automatically have access to those as well. You’re welcome.


    I’m so glad you asked. I feel very strongly about being educated in the field of coaching, so I have a coaching certification (CPCC designation, 2009) through The Coaches Training Institute, a well-known pioneer educational establishment in the field of coaching. (aka. NOT just a weekend, online class saying “Wheeeeee, you’re a coach now!”)

    Additionally, I am credentialed with the International Coaching Federation (ACC designation, 2009), which is currently the only governing body that oversees the coaching profession. Fancy, right? It is.

    I am also a master certified hypnotherapist through the Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI, 2019) which holds the distinction of being America’s first nationally accredited school of Hypnotherapy. So, you are getting very sleepy… Jk. It doesn’t work like that.

    And, if you aren’t impressed quite yet I am also certified in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP, 2020), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT, 2020) which is commonly called Tapping, Handwriting Analysis (2020), and Inner Child Work (2020). So, yeah… I have a bevy of tools up my sleeve.  

    I also have a bachelor’s degree in Business Management, but the coaching shit was waaaaay more fun. And meaningful.


    WORTHY. is open to all those identifying as women, non-binary folks, and those who are femme presenting. At this time, I don’t offer programs for men. 


    Of course! Drop me a message in the form below and we’ll connect with you personally within 24 hours. Or click the little Moira bubble to send me a voice or video message.



    2 + 9 =

    Ready to finally believe
    You are worthy?

    Because WORTHY. is a newer program, all sentiments expressed on this page are from the incredible women I’ve had the pleasure of mentoring through my previous programs. (Keep in mind that my longest program container prior to WORTHY. has been three months, so just imagine what results will be possible with a 9-month container!)

    I FEEL FREE. I have 100% full acceptance of myself.


    I was so sick of how I was living. The thought of moving on this same way made me want to pull my hair out.


    Before this course, I didn’t know how to embrace myself fully. I had all of these beliefs and ideas that were placed on me from family structures and the way I was raised. I had reached a point where I could no longer live this way… where I felt like pulling my hair out if I had to continue with these old beliefs and patterns.


    What I learned from Amy was a way to truly, truly embrace my own beliefs. My own truth. To shed my old ways of thinking and finally stop holding myself back from living the life I wanted.

    Now, the closest thing I can describe this shift as is free. I feel free. Free from the pressures that were holding me under for so long, from my own self-sabotaging. It was what I longed for, and now I finally feel it. I now have 100% full acceptance of myself. It was the push I needed, and I can no longer be the same.

    ~ Naomi Tataran  Bellingham, Washington


    I am the happiest I can ever remember being!



    Feeling like my life was pointless/wasted.


    When I sought out support, I was feeling shameful, useless, and like I was wasting my life. I wanted personal attention and hands-on help for my unique trouble spots that I just couldn’t get a handle on myself. I wanted to be accountable and have structure and a plan for what felt like a very messy life. 


    This course was the best investment I have ever made. Amy’s experience and education along with her organization results in a program that eliminates the need for therapy (at least for me!). Amy’s course was more effective and efficient than any therapy experiences I have had in the past 15 years!

    It changed how I operate and I am the happiest I can every remember being! I stopped being obsessed with my weight, yet I feel more beautiful! I believe I deserve to be loved and that I deserve to be happy and enjoy life. I left a relationship that was SO not right for me and in doing so, happened to meet someone who I believe is my soulmate.

    My relationships with my friends have improved and I no longer run myself into the ground, people-pleasing out of fear. I wish this was something that was integrated into education from a very young age. If people (especially women) felt valuable from elementary school onward, can you imagine all the ways the world would improve?!!!

    ~ Pamela Klueck, Royal Oak, Michigan


    This program was absolutely amazing! In just 12 weeks, I came out with a new mindset – I AM ENOUGH.

    This course has taught me all about quieting my inner critic, believing in myself and holding my ground. There is no way to describe the heart and soul Amy puts into her work. She has a way of explaining hard concepts in easy, understandable manner.

    If you are ready to find a happier, healthier, more lovable version of yourself, then you need to take this program!! It has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. Amy and DD+D have forever changed my life! You are truly amazing Amy and I am so incredibly grateful to have you in my life! So much love!

    ~ Christina Earon, Logandale, Nevada




    Because of this course, I learned the confidence to speak up for myself and I had the support of an amazing coach through it all. I am not the same girl who was insecure and afraid of everything before this course started.


    Amy taught me how to speak up for myself and for what I want and had I not learned these things, my recent wedding would have been all about pleasing a member of my family who mistreats and manipulates me.

    I actually have the power to change the way I think about myself and the rest of the world around me! I can honestly say that Amy poured her whole self into this course and I am forever grateful.

    ~ Samantha M., New Jersey

    Amanda Choate

    Middleton, Wisconsin



    I wasn’t happy, tired of always putting everyone else’s needs above my own, and tired of being afraid to speak up for myself.


    Before this life-changing course, I had elevated self-sacrifice to an art form, believing that if I took care of everyone else first, eventually it would be my turn for them to take care of me. Through this course, I learned I was unconsciously projecting that my needs WEREN’T important, BECAUSE I hadn’t been making them a priority.


    Changing this mental belief was life altering. It has completely changed my perspective of myself and how my friends and family treat me. My worthiness isn’t something I have to prove. It just IS. It is up to me to embody that belief by speaking up for what I think, need and want. My wants and desires are just as important as everyone else’s.

    Terri Bradway

    Santa Clara, California

    I no longer apologize for myself and I really like who I am!


    I felt stagnant, distracted, and overwhelmed.


    Before this incredible course, I felt stagnant, distracted, and overwhelmed at times with guilt and the need to seek approval.


    And then, in Amy’s brilliant course, I learned to clarify what fears were holding me back in my life, to give myself the permission to feel, think, want, love and be who I am without guilt or needing confirmation from others. And now my life is animated again and I’m on a new career path too! The only approval I need is my own. I don’t need to apologize for who I am, what I love, who I’m close to, what I want, etc.

    I have made peace with certain relationships and with giving myself permission to feel what I feel. I have also made huge strides in my marriage regarding understanding and communication. 

    I have a million things to be grateful for thanks to you, Amy. Above all, I no longer apologize for myself unless it is warranted. I really like who I am! It has brought me so much freedom… thank you for everything you’ve taught me and given me… you will be the vision of what a gifted coach and mentor looks like.

    Jill Long

    Houston, TX

    I constantly give myself permission to be human rather than beat myself up for not being perfect.


    I was really unhappy. And needed something.


    Before this course I felt overwhelmed, unhappy, and not in control of my life. I was missing out on the joys life is supposed to bring. Settling for less than I deserved and less than what I was capable of had become the norm. I had to do something different.


    My results were astounding. I am not the same person I was before the course. And for that, I will be forever grateful.

    I can now describe with total confidence and clarity what I stand for- my values and my beliefs. I have the tools to fall back on when life gets rough and I constantly give myself permission to be human rather than beat myself up for not being perfect.

    I have taken away so many powerful lessons. With Amy’s help I really planted the seeds for a healthier more abundant and inspired future. And that is exciting!

    To anyone that is considering taking this course I say do it. Don’t over think it. Just jump in. It will be just as the title says….deep and dirty. But you’ll emerge as a new version of you if you do the work. And Amy will be there to support you 150% of the time. She’s simply amazing at what she does- she has found her calling! It’s life changing and will serve you long after the course is complete.

    Kristen T. 


    I can sPEAK up for myself and not take on other people’s shit.

    Idon’t have to apologize for who I am – I am lovable, valuable, and enough just as I am right now. I can speak up for myself and not take on other’s people’s shit and I am not a dick for establishing a boundary or putting myself first. I am always responsible for my words and actions (and handling myself with grace and kindness), but I am not responsible for how someone receives or perceives what I am saying.

    This course has changed me and reawakened my spirit. I have a renewed sense of self-worth and I am on the right path, armed with tools to bring happiness and fulfillment back into my life. Amy’s style, approach, and tools are manageable, relatable, and immediately implementable.



    This program totally changed my life.



    Before this course, my identity and self-worth were wrapped up in my job, other people, and external things. I couldn’t understand why I was never happy, never good enough, and constantly wanting more instead of enjoying the present. I told myself that “I wasn’t enough.”


    Then, Amy taught me about self-worth, beliefs, fear, and how to communicate with myself and others. I learned so much about myself and that the shifts I’ve seen since I’ve started have been radical. I can apply everything I’ve learned in almost any situation I will face for the rest of my life.

    She helped me detangle my identity from the external holds thread by thread, giving me each piece back to weave something strong, grateful and beautiful. Now my life is completely changed – for the better. I am so glad to have my tool box, for everything I have learned, and for the continued support Amy consistently shows me.

    ~ Monica Rheingold, Austin Texas




    Amy taught me how to set ninja boundaries.


    I wanted to set boundaries, stop feeling guilty, and stop people-pleasing.


    Prior to this course, I was stuck in a cycle of people-pleasing, feeling guilty, unworthy and undeserving that my desires matter. I struggled with communicating my needs assertively and with establishing boundaries professionally and with friendships.


    This is the best course I’ve ever taken. Amy taught me how to set ninja boundaries, speak my truth with grace and kindness and gave me some killer tools on how to not feel guilty. I now have more confidence than ever before and feel like I’m living a more authentic expression of myself. I truly believe at my core that I’m more than enough.

    ~ Kim Carroll, Lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico


    I had conversations I never thought I was strong enough to have.


    I was tired of the way I was living my life.

    This course provides so many useful tools to explore your beliefs, your sense of self-worth, and shaping the person you want to be in this world. In the twelve weeks of this program, I had conversations I never thought I was strong enough to have. I made positive shifts, and I formed powerful habits. What I want in my life matters!

    My results have been transformative, and I know that if I keep applying what Amy has taught me, it will significantly change my life for the better. I’ve never felt safer to express my truest feelings. Amy, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

    ~ Christine Le, Winter Garden, Florida


    you deserve happiness

    I got over an Ex for GOOD!



    I was constantly feeling bad, second guessing myself, and feeling that I wasn’t good enough.


    Before this course, I didn’t believe in myself or the decisions that I made. I didn’t FEEL like I was good at anything even though I “knew” I was.


    Amy has taught me how to not be controlled by people in my life, and tune in to what my true talents are….and the best part is that I believe them.

    What I learned, and the tools I learned have empowered me to speak my truth, make decisions, and clearly communicate. As I’ve used the tools, I now gather evidence everywhere to build my confidence and my levels of anxiety have gone way down, as well as second guessing myself.

    My relationships are better, as I am able to work through conflicts, and I don’t “feel bad” for not committing or feel like I have to over-explain to smooth things out or that I didn’t do enough. I can state my decisions gracefully and with confidence b/c I am proud of how I am showing up for myself. It has taught me how to be fulfilled by ME.

    ~ Alison Beach, Falls Church, Virginia


    *I* am worth it!


    My inability to connect and keep friends and my lack of thriving in my marriage.


    Prior to working with Amy, I had reached an all-time low and didn’t think I had a chance of surviving the depression, loneliness and constant failure to find peace and happiness.


    This has been most life changing experience and that this shit should be taught in elementary school! Immersing myself in DD+D made me face my past pain, present disappointments and future fears, and helped me to realize that I am not alone in this world, like I previously thought.

    I now have this immense passion and there is a large light shining from within. No matter how hard, or long, or difficult the journey, it is fucking worth it because *I* am worth it! Going through this made me realize that there is so much joy and happiness to be had and I am finally ready to go after it no matter how hard the journey is!!

    ~ Kristina Krause, Littleton, Colorado 

    I have the courage + confidence to launch my biz.


    Before joining the Deep, Down + Dirty, I was CONVINCED I wasn’t “ready yet” to launch my business; I was riddled with self-doubt and paralyzed by the fear of what people would think of me.


    Thankfully, Amy helped me realize that my need to please others was keeping me from showing up authentically both in my personal and professional life, and with her encouragement and guidance I’ve been able to work past the limiting beliefs and destructive habits that were keeping me stuck in fear.

    In just a few short months she’s helped me cultivate the courage and confidence I needed to put myself “out there” and to allow myself to be seen. I’ve also been able to speak my mind coupled with a greater sense of self-awareness and clarity.  #PositiveRoleModel #ForRealz 

    ~ Tania Andrade, North Hollywood, CA


     Lisa Collins

    Bellevue, Washington

    THIS COURSE has truly changed my life.


    Wanting to stop the spinning in my mind.


    I never realized how much I was trying to control everyone and everything and how I would say something wanting a particular response and then be disappointed when I didn’t get that response. Most of my definitions of happiness were external and I was miserable although I looked like a poster child to the “real” world.

    I was feeling complete overwhelm between work, marriage, kids, wanting to see my friends, wanting to exercise and feeling completely depleted and too tired to do much but work and parent. 


    I can’t stop talking about DD+D to friends! After this program and Amy’s guidance, my life feels manageable and I have tools to use when things start to get crazy. I know that happiness is from within and my role in life is to show up with grace and kindness while staying true to my needs. My perspective and monkey brain have calmed down and I’m so grateful for this course and Amy. It has truly changed my life. I’m literally a different person with a different thought system and am forever thankful to have you in my life!


    Michelle Vu

    San Jose, California

    I learned how to sustain self-love on a daily basis.


    Before this course, I was literally sitting on the sidelines of the self-help world, constantly listening to podcasts, self-help gurus, audio books, and YouTube videos, without actually taking real actions to change my life.


    From this soul-altering course, I learned how to speak up for myself with much more grace and kindness and can say “no”, and be direct without sounding like a total dick. Most importantly, I learned how to sustain self-love on a daily basis. Amy’s tactics and tidbits are easy wellness pills to swallow each and every day.

    You will never be without some kind of awesome tool to use for life’s conflicts that can occur at any given time. Thank you so much Amy, you’ve brought out my bad-assery in more ways than you can imagine!


    Megan Miller

    Sacramento, California

    This course has truly been life changing.


    I wanted change my outlook in my career search, rediscover my self-confidence, and learn how to better approach how I interact with people.


    This course has truly been life changing and I don’t say that lightly. It has taught me the awareness to approach my life, outlook and situations that arise in a completely different and improved way. It has provided to tools to call upon to handle and process not only the notably difficult situations that arise but has provided little everyday tweaks I didn’t even know I needed.

    Amy is such a kind, loving, generous coach and human and goes above and beyond to ensure each one of us received exactly what we needed. I am incredibly proud of the progress I’ve made and truly feel I now have the tools to maintain the progress I’ve made and to further improve.


    Sara can speak up for herself and handle tough conversations like a #boss


    Before this course I was overwhelmed with work, having a lot of difficulty saying no to clients, and general difficulty communicating what I wanted.


    Amy and I talked about my underlying beliefs, how what I want and need are also important, and truly how to speak up for myself (with grace and kindness of course). Now I do a much better job of pausing to notice what I actually want, voicing my concerns in the moment and when I don’t I circle back faster, remembering that I am already enough, and focusing on what I can do to change a situation. ) I really, really can stand up for myself/have a voice and what other people want is not MORE important than what I want.

    It was an intense 3 months, and when I look back on all that changed during that time, I can hardly believe it! To name a few: I had tough conversations with my husband, I stood up to my boss, made huge professional advancements, I began thinking about how every time I say ‘yes’ when I am thinking ‘no’ I am choosing the other person over myself and I started to change that, I looked at the relationship with my step-mom, and I stood up to my mom.

    I am incredibly grateful to Amy for being my teacher and for being with me every step of the way! Thank you so much Amy for the huge opportunity, for your time, for your knowledge, for your compassion, for your work, and for your patience.

    ~ Sara J., St. Louis, Missouri

    I am absolutely worth all the good things in my life.


    I was so, so sad, lost, and disappointed.


    Before this course, I was so, so sad, lost, and disappointed in myself that I had lost all motivation to work, exercise and care for myself properly. And then the Amy appeared with her astonishing wisdom and knowledge for every occasion and taught me to take more control over my thoughts and beliefs.


    And now my life feels worth living, for me, not just for helping other people. No matter what, I know who I am and have great intentions and the fact is, I will only tie myself up in more and more knots by trying to please everyone else. It literally is just not possible. 

    I now have full permission from myself to enjoy my life because I know beyond a doubt that I deserve it and am capable of so many things I didn’t have the confidence to believe in before. I am absolutely worth all the good things in my life and can say yes to great opportunities without feeling guilty.

    ~ Rachel Ross, Napier, New Zealand

    you are enough

    i can set boundaries without feeling guilty!


    Years of therapy much less time! I spent more in therapy and with another coach and absolutely was not provided actual tools to use to move forward in life.

    Amy taught me that I have a choice to be who I want to be. I can give myself permission to feel and speak up for myself. I have a better understanding of what makes me me and how I can set boundaries without feeling guilty.   She’s provided me with the tools I need to continue on in life with more courage and confidence. I feel like I’m owning who I really am instead of reacting out of defense. I’m so very grateful for the experience and would take her courses again.   I don’t have to be who people have labeled me! I actually have a fucking choice.

    ~ Erin McQueen, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    Amanda Promenschenkel

    Chadwick, Illinois

      I stopped people-pleasing.


    This course really made me dig deeper and made me even more aware of my thoughts/feelings/actions. It is life changing!! I stopped people-pleasing, started speaking my truth, and now practice self-love.

    I love Amy’s podcast and her style of teaching so I thought this would be fun and just a little more in-depth than things I had already learned. Wow did I underestimate this course!! It really does make you get deep, down, and dirty!! I am definitely not the same person I was when I started and for that I will forever be grateful. xoxo



    I feel so happy and more in love with myself!


    Before this course I had been learning lots of tools through books and podcasts to help become a happier version of myself. Then Amy’s course showed me how to actually implement those tools (and new ones!) into my life.


    This course gave me amazing tools for overcoming perfectionism and people-pleasing, for having tough conversations, and for dealing with criticism & rejection. It’s a how-to manual for overcoming the limiting things you’ve been told since you were a little girl.

    Forgiving myself doesn’t mean I condone or endorse my past behaviors, it just means I’m not going to suffer over it anymore. Now I feel like I have a better handle on how to make personal development a daily part of who I am. I feel so happy and more in love with myself than ever.

    ~ Jessica Moore, Wichita, Kansas

    I can say ‘no’ without guilt.


    I needed to stop talking about doing stuff and actually do shit.


    Before this course, I was unhappy with my life and my career.


    Amy has taught me the art of saying ‘no’ to people with both grace and kindness and without that nagging feeling of guilt. It’s helped me to have conversations that I’ve never felt brave enough to have.

    After taking the course I feel confident in who I am and what I want from life. I also have the ability to speak up for myself and not feel guilty or over-explain. I also learned that it’s ok for friendships to run their course and how to allow that with grace and kindness.

    ~ Lizzie Lowe, Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada


    I feel like a new woman. This work is invaluable.


    WHY I worked with amy:

    I was done with where I was. 


    I came in to this course as a very angry woman that did not know how to emote, even if she tried.


    Amy taught me to love myself enough to see that it is ok to show emotion and to live in it and that I will survive it. I now feel like a new woman. I am no longer an angry and bitter, and I can show emotion without being afraid of it and I’ve cleared some relationship issues out of my life.

     I am enough, I can figure out what’s beneath the anger and I am ok to let go of the shit in my life.

    I am truly living with grace, kindness and self-love. This work is invaluable. Amy, I’m so very grateful for how loving and kind you are, I couldn’t have done it without you.



    I learned that I AM ENOUGH!!! And I can say No! And that I truly am lovable!


    Ilearned that I am enough! And I can say NO! And that I am truly lovable! My self- confidence has increased tenfold! Thank You Amy! I feel like you’ve given me wings and now it’s my time to fly!!

    ~ Jacquelyn Ellis, Las Vegas, Nevada



    Fox River Grove, Illinois

      THE new sense of awareness has been life-changing.


    Before working with Amy, I could feel that something needed to change, but I didn’t know where to start. Then I signed up for one of Amy’s free workshops and it all became clear. I jumped at the chance to be part of this program!


    Amy has taught me how to look at life with a sense of awareness that has been life-changing.

    I’ve learned the importance of taking ownership of my shit and how to show myself compassion. The connections I’ve made with the others in the group have reminded me that I’m not alone… I’m so grateful for that.

    Through the tools that Amy has given me, I will continue my journey to become the best version of myself. I now know is possible for my life. Thank you, Amy!



    Because of this program, I found ME again. The child-like me who needed the love she never received, the teen me who got lost and needed to be found, the 20-year old me who spent the decade serving the wrong guy, working the wrong job, sacrificing myself for others, the 30-year old me who set sail on a journey across country to find a new life, not knowing that you can run, but you can’t escape your past shit and here I sit in the 40-year old me who was sick of my shit and wanted to get straight with myself once and for all. In this tribe I found my internal compass. I found that blaming and shaming gets me nowhere and how best to silence my inner-shit talker. I learned that I am not alone in this!


    After this course, I am able to navigate my “stuff” much better without escaping or torturing myself due to my lack of worth. I’ve ended a toxic relationship and understand the things in my life which didn’t bring me peace and eliminating them and/or creating boundaries. My life is more real… I am more present… and my worth, is finally getting the delicious attention it so deserves.

    ~ Janis Gaudelli, New York, New York



    I feel worthy and successful!


    Before working with Amy, I was terrible about my inner critic always telling me to people-please, that I was never good enough, and that no matter what I achieved, I would never be happy or successful.

    I needed to challenge the shit-tastic core beliefs that I held for so long.


    Amy’s work is a wake-up call to allow yourself to stop bashing everything that you do, stop comparing yourself to others, and help you change your inner voice to be more loving and forgiving.

    Amy showed me how to give myself permission to not be perfect, and how to start new beliefs which allowed me to feel worthy and successful!

    ~ Annette Carlsen, Crescent City, California

    Siobhan Nassalang

    Madison, Wisconsin

    Saying “No” is no longer a struggle for me!


    I used to have a tremendous amount of negative self-talk and took any criticism or rejection way too hard, without even understanding the nature of it.

    I could get into funks for weeks and not really know what was bothering me.


    Through this program, I have learned that my inner critic isn’t always right, and to question many of my self-deprecating thoughts that were doing me no good. Amy’s work has helped me personally and in my relationships, and I am better able to communicate my needs.

    Saying “No” with grace and kindness is no longer a struggle for me and I am practicing asking for what I want or going for what I need without worrying what the peanut gallery has to say about it!



    Charleston, South Carolina

    This program is a game-changer. It is a necessity. Amy saved my life.


    Before this program I was stressed, anxious, depressed, and hopeless.

    I knew I needed a change in my life. I knew that I couldn’t be happy continuing with my current habits.


    This program is a game-changer. It is a necessity. Amy saved my life. I feel more confident and comfortable and ready for what life has in store for me. It will impact every area of your life, and that is why it is so important.

    The results are unbelievable. The change that you can see in your life is miraculous. You can be happy!



    Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    My beliefs and desires are as important as everyone else’s!


    Before this work with Amy I was like a flag in the wind, moving and adjusting to everyone else’s energy, desires, and demands.

    I felt exhausted and disconnected, and was constantly seeking approval from everyone but myself.


    After working with Amy and fellow students I feel like I’m anchored firmly on my own two feet while deepening my connection to others. My beliefs and desires are as important as everyone else’s!

    It feels like a true homecoming, and I’m so grateful!




    Before this program, my mind was cluttered with ideas: “I’m not enough. I need to be more, do more, give more.” I knew I was struggling but didn’t know what approach to take.


    Through this time with Amy, I learned that my struggles are not unique and they do not have to be a way of life. I gained clarity surrounding the reasons why I think and act like I do. I learned tools to help reshape my thoughts and habits. I’m now aware that the process is ongoing and I do not have to be perfect. I am enough and I will continue to grow. Amy is genuine and relatable. From day one I had the feeling that she genuinely cares. She has crafted a course that is comprehensive and a pleasure to participate in. She sprinkles her vast knowledge and love throughout.

    ~ Karen Holmes, Round Rock, Texas

    IT’s okay to just be me. 



    Before this program, I felt bogged down in my day-to-day life and in many of my relationships, thinking, “Why do I feel stuck?” or “Why don’t have this or that?


    It’s OK to just be me, without altering “me” in every decision or interaction to get closer to some “better person” I’m supposed to be.

    Also, Amy is someone you can totally relate to. She will get vulnerable right along with you, plus, she’s hilarious!

    I’m incredibly grateful to have made this investment in myself, and to Amy for designing this work that got me to the core of what’s most important – not living into how others may or may not see me, but how I want to see myself!

    ~ Shauna Wilburn, St. Louis, Missouri

    I now live my life for me and not by anyone else’s rules or expectations.


    Before this course, I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted my life to look like. After completing the program I feel like I am in the driver’s seat of my life; I am in control of my journey. I am able to set boundaries and in turn,  maintain my self-worth.I now live my life for me and not by anyone else’s rules or expectations.

    ~ Jennifer Finnie, Port Dover, Ontario





    Before working with Amy, I was stuck in a trap of serious self-worth contingency and consumed with fear.


    I am noticing my inner critic a hell of a lot more and curbing it and I do feel more confident! I now feel like my life is going in a positive direction as the power is all in my hands. Amy is an absolutely amazing coach and I cannot recommend her enough. She will help you change your life!

    ~ Rosie Lacks, Worcester, Worcestershire, England

    it’s your time

    I’m not scared to speak my mind. 


    Before this course, I was very self-conscious and always wondering what others were thinking of me, caring too much about if I was a dick or not or if I said the wrong thing or the right thing.


    This course seriously changed my life. Amy taught me that I’m not responsible for how I’m received by others – I’m only responsible for my intention and how I show up. And now, I’m not scared to speak my mind or live my life true to myself! Thank you so much Amy for showing me the light!

    ~ Bailie Herchenbach, Palatine, Illinois


    Brooklyn, New York

      I don’t even know the person I was before.

    Thank you for creating the most incredible, magical, fucking hard, but truly rewarding program!!! It’s been insanely transformative and really just life changing. I feel like I don’t know the person I was before, that’s how impactful this has been for me.

    I appreciated getting to share this space and journey with each beautiful person in the group. We all have grown and transformed in some way.

    I am grateful for this experience and I have to say thank you, Amy, for the endless hours, passion, commitment, and true dedication you take and show in your work. The amount of material and info you give out is awesome (and just mind blowing lol)!!! You’re changing lives and leaving an imprint on people forever!!!   Thank you for being a part of this journey with me.

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