let’s talk about shit that matters
L eave a review and we’ll give you a mini pig. Just kidding. But, I would be eternally grateful.
Many of the pods come from listener topic suggestions so hit me up if you want us to sound off on your Q.
[AMY SAYS] EP#465 – How to Know When to Quit a Goal + When to Persevere
ou’ve been in the same industry for 20 years and you’re dying to make a change but you’re scared shitless to throw in the towel. Wouldn’t that mean you wasted two decades? You’re not totally sure you’re getting your Master’s because it’s what YOU...
[AMY SAYS] EP#464 – The Obsession with Achievement + What to Do About It
ost folks (maybe even you) who have a love affair with achievement and accomplishment, find that their tenacity and attachment to perfection has created a ton of significant success in their lives. Maybe they even wear the “over-achiever” label as...
[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#463 – Releasing a Toxic Relationship to Achievement + Goal-setting with Tara McMullin
ell me if this sounds familiar: You get a Bachelor’s degree, but it doesn’t really feel like enough, so you apply for a Master’s program. You attain the Master’s but turns out, it doesn’t feel like enough either, so you start your own business. You...
[AMY SAYS] EP#462 – What to Do When Your Parent Kinda Sucks
erhaps some of the most challenging relationships we have in our lives are those with our own parents. Although we love them deeply, they are oftentimes the ones who present the most “issues” in our worlds and who tend to drive us the most batty....
[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#461 – Dealing with Parental Trauma with Alexa Rae Schiefer
e’ve all heard of our inner child, right? That wounded inner child who is still reckoning with incidents occurring in our childhood. But, have you ever heard of your “outer child”? Tell me if this sounds familiar: You are going back home to visit...
[AMY SAYS] EP#460 – Understanding Trauma + the Subconscious Mind
wish I had a dollar for every time someone told me something that happened in their childhood that cleeeeearly still affects them and then they say something like, “But, I’m totally over it though. It’s not that big of a deal.” Sure, sure it’s not....
[AMY SAYS] EP#459 – The Connection Between Perfectionism, Procrastination, and Feeling Stuck + What to Do About It
used to flippantly refer to myself as a Perfectionist and oftentimes I would elude to it being somewhat of a badge of honor. As I got older and my anxiety increased, I realized that being a chronic perfectionist was actually STEALING my joy instead...
[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#458 – What to Do When You Feel Stuck as Fuck with Britt Frank
o, you’re stuck. Not moving. Not taking much action. You know all the things you should be doing to get where you wanna go, yet you don’t actually do it. Or maybe you have no idea what you want to do and that is leaving you feeling stuck as fuck....
[AMY SAYS] EP#457 – 10 Things to Do When You Feel Stuck
ecently a listener wrote into the show, asking what to do when you find yourself feeling stuck. You know that racket, no? Stuck in a relationship... stuck in a soul-sucking job... stuck in a friendship that doesn't serve you. The list goes on....
[DIAL AN EXPERT] EP#456 – Dealing with Unexpected Life Curveballs with Michelle Ward
f you’re anything like me, you probably love having a nice plan for your life… Some nice stability, order, structure… some might even say you’ve got a tight grip on control. [guilty face] I know that space quite well. But, what happens when your...