let’s talk about shit that matters

L eave a review and we’ll give you a mini pig. Just kidding. But, I would be eternally grateful.

Many of the pods come from listener topic suggestions so hit me up if you want us to sound off on your Q. 

5 Ways to Figure Out Your Boundaries EP#337

f you’ve hung around these parts for awhile, you know that I love to GO OFF about how to establish and enforce a boundary. Of course, this is super helpful when you have a solid understanding of your boundaries, but what’s a gal to do if you have...

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True or False: People-Pleasing Edition EP#335

re people-pleasers liars? Is putting yourself first selfish? If you feel you have “let someone down” does that mean the emotion you are feeling is ‘guilt’? I’m guessing you have a gut response answer to all of these questions and those answers may...

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10 Ways to Boost Your Self-Love EP#334

lip through Insta or Facebook and you’ll find a bevy of “Love Yourself” and “Just Think Positive” memes and you’re likely over here like, “Lemme get right on that.” When you’ve been struggling to simply accept yourself, actually loving yourself can...

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6 Ways to Get “Unstuck” EP#333

ecently a listener wrote in to the show, asking what to do when you find yourself feeling stuck. You know that racket, no? Stuck in a relationship... stuck in a soul-sucking job... stuck in a friendship that doesn't serve you. The list goes on....

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I'm a sassy-ass life coach and hypnotherapist who specializes in all things self-worth and confidence. I help aspiring badasses (hint: that's YOU!) speak up for themselves without being assholes. As in... telling your mom to stop butting into your relationship. You feel me, no?

It's time to let go of all that people-pleasing and cultivate some serious "enoughness". You're home, love. You're home.


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