let’s talk about shit that matters
L eave a review and we’ll give you a mini pig. Just kidding. But, I would be eternally grateful.
Many of the pods come from listener topic suggestions so hit me up if you want us to sound off on your Q.
[TOOL] Hypnosis Session to Heal the Imposter Complex EP#387
o, you consciously “know” that you should be proud of all your accomplishments and acknowledge that you are, in fact, deserving of that promotion/accolade/compliment but why don’t you actually believe it? I’ll tell you why. Logic, reason, and...
[AMY SAYS] 5 Ways to Stop Feeling Like a Fraud EP#386
ou land your perfect job. And then your inner voice tells you that you are horribly unqualified and everyone is going to find you out. You enter a super healthy relationship with an awesome partner. And then your inner voice tells you how damaged...
[DIAL AN EXPERT] Tanya Geisler on Imposter Complex EP#385
ell me if this sounds familiar. You land a promotion you’ve been working toward for ages and instantly a barrage of commentary from your inner critic pipes in, “Just wait until they find out you have no idea what you are doing. You know it’s just a...
[COACHING SESSION] Working with Rachel on Imposter Complex EP#384
hat if you could listen in to a coaching session where someone is being coached on feeling like an imposter? You’d be all over it, right? Well, you’re in luck, my friend. In this inaugural coaching episode, I work with a lovely and highly...
The Impact Of Our Parents: Healing The Mother/Father Wound Ep#383
egardless if your parents were amazing or downright awful, it is highly likely that there are certain things you experienced as a child that have greatly impacted your current reality. And, not necessarily in a positive way. Although we don’t...
Do’s and Don’ts of Sharing Personal Growth with Others EP#382
ell me if this sounds familiar. Your mom/bestie/sister/co-worker starts complaining about something you totally used to struggle with and your first thought is, “OMG! I know the solution! Let me just tell her what she should do…” Don’t get me...
Competing + Comparing: How To Combat Toxic Competition EP#381
ell me if this sounds familiar: You interview for a job that has a ton of other candidates and you constantly ruminate on all the other applicants and wonder how you compare. Or, maybe you grew up in a family with so much competition that you felt...
7 Ways To Stay Positive Around Negative People EP#380
[dropcap']Y[/dropcap]ou walk into work, totally optimistic about your day, and you give your co-worker a casual ‘How-ya-doin’-today?’ She responds with her usual quip about how she’s ‘alright-I-guess’ but immediately launches into complaining about her...
Confidence Hangover: Feeling Guilty After Speaking Up For Yourself EP#379
If you’re like many of my clients and students, you have likely found yourself super inspired to start speaking up for yourself… even to those tough peeps (hi, mom) who make it extremely challenging. You muster all your new-found courage and go...
Dealing with the Constant Need for Approval EP#378
Ever find yourself obsessing about what others may be thinking? Or re-run conversations in your head, second-guessing everything you said? Have a difficult time saying ‘No’ because… um, what if they don’t like me!? Ever feel like if someone is...