let’s talk about shit that matters
L eave a review and we’ll give you a mini pig. Just kidding. But, I would be eternally grateful.
Many of the pods come from listener topic suggestions so hit me up if you want us to sound off on your Q.
The Low-Down on Honesty EP#068
. ______ Ever wonder if there is free pass to tell a white lie? Is it ever okay to not be completely truthful? Okay to withhold information? This week's topic comes to you courtesy of another listener who wants to know, "Is it ever okay to NOT...
What to Do When You Are Not Sexually Attracted to Your Partner EP#067
. ______ Fabulous topic submission from a listener! It's a massive misconception that sexual connection and chemistry must ALWAYS be organic. Sometimes people who are majorly connected in many areas still struggle with their sex life. What is...
What it Means to “Show Up” EP#066
. ______ Another great topic suggestion from a pod listener! If you have listened to self-help podcasts or read personal development books or blogs, chances are, you have stumble upon a certain vernacular; a language used to describe the...
Why “All You Need Is Love” Is Bullshit EP#065
. ______ We've all heard the popular phrase and song lyric, "All you need is love", but how factual is this statement really? Not very. In this episode, Amy explains why being soul-mates or being madly in love with each other doesn't always...
How-the-Hell to Find “Your Joy” a.k.a. How to Be Happy EP#064
. ______ It's not uncommon to hear personal development experts talk about doing things "that light you up". But, what if you don't know what lights you up or don't even know what that phrase means? Perhaps you know you want to be happy, but...
Holy Shit. I’m Married & Attracted to Someone Else EP#063
. ______ Even though it's somewhat taboo, many people in marriages or committed relationships find themselves seriously attracted to other people at some point during their relationship. This often spurs thoughts about being a bad person, a...
6 Steps to Becoming Physically Fit EP#062
. ______ Another awesome suggestion from a listener! If you've been telling yourself, "Man, I really need to get in shape" or "I really need to start working out", but have failed to do anything about it, this episode is a must listen. In this...
Childolatry: Why Parenthood Today Kills Relationships & What to Do About It EP#061
. ______ Ever wonder if it's actually possible to have a thriving marriage (or relationship) AND dedicate yourself to raising amazing children at the same time? If you're like most people, chances are, your marriage takes a backseat to all...
Relationship Agenda: a.k.a. When You Want Your Partner to See it Your Way EP#059
. ______ Dealing with challenging and sensitive issues with your partner are tough enough, not to mention figuring out HOW to effectively get your point across. Often, we are so attached to what we THINK our partner's response will be, that we...
Dealing with an Addict in the Family EP#058
. ______ Another listener's suggestion! What the hell is one to do with an addict in the family who clearly has decided that recovery isn't their option? How do you let go of the "There-Must-Be-Something-I-Can-Do" complex? In this episode Amy...