let’s talk about shit that matters
L eave a review and we’ll give you a mini pig. Just kidding. But, I would be eternally grateful.
Many of the pods come from listener topic suggestions so hit me up if you want us to sound off on your Q.
Breaking Up with Fear + Courting Courage EP#138
. ______ Ever find yourself super excited about an opportunity and all of a sudden BOOM! Fear sets in with a vengeance. And then your mind starts spinning with fearful thought after fearful thought. What if I never find a partner? What if they...
Celebrating How Far You’ve Come EP#137
. ______ So, last night I had an epic breakdown. In suuuuch a good way. Without getting into the dramatic details (which I share in this episode), I had a pivotal moment where I realized the magnitude of how far I've come over the past decade....
How to Let Go of Perfection EP#136
. ______ I used to flippantly refer to myself as a Perfectionist and oftentimes I would elude to it being somewhat of a badge of honor. As I got older and my anxiety increased, I realized that being a chronic perfectionist was actually STEALING...
How to Accept a Compliment EP#135
. ______ Tell me if this sounds familiar: You walk into work and someone gives you a lovely compliment about your hair or your outfit or your work on a project and the first thing you say is something to the effect of, "Oh, this? OMG, I was...
Why “All You Need is Love” is Bullshit (Re-broadcast) EP#134
. ______ We've all heard the popular phrase and song lyric, "All you need is love", but how factual is this statement really? Not very. A romantic idea? For sure. But factual? I find that many people falsely assume that if they are in love with...
When Grace and Kindness Don’t Work EP#133
. ______ If you've hung around these parts for a while, you'll know that one of the cornerstones of my philosophy is that you can deliver damn-near any sort of information (no matter how difficult) to another person as...
How to Make Shit Happen in 2016 EP#132
. ______ If you're like most people, you have an overwhelming sense of excitement and ambition come the new year. Also like most people, perhaps you hit Jan gang-busters-style, but when Feb comes around you have slowly begun to lose steam,...
How to Stop Talking Shit to Yourself EP#131
. ______ Ever find yourself getting super pumped up about a new opportunity and all of sudden BAM! That little voice creeps in telling you why it's going to be a total disaster, why you are sooooo not smart enough, why everyone else is surely...
5 Ways to Immediately Build Confidence EP#130
. ______ Ever see super confident people and wonder how-the-hell they became so sure of themselves? Ever wonder if they were just born that way or if someone taught them or if some life experience shaped them into that person who oozes...
How to Have Tough Conversations Like a Badass EP#129
. ______ Ever wonder why having difficult conversations causes soooo much anxiety, often leaving you tongue-tied, frustrated with how you're getting your point across, and down-right bummed-the-fuck-out? It can be super stressful to approach a...