So… You’ve checked all the boxes. You got a good education. You settled down and got married. You pursued the career. You even bought the house, had the kids, the whole thing. And yet, you still wake up some days wondering, “Is this all there is? Is this it?” And maybe you even ask yourself, “What can’t I just be fucking HAPPY!? What is the secret to happiness!!?”
I mean, you SHOULD be, right? You checked all those god-damned boxes. You did all the things. All the things that are supposed to yield happiness and somehow you’re still coming up empty. I mean… WTF!?
You wouldn’t believe how incredibly common this is. Like, staggeringly common. We live in a society that tells us how we should live our lives and in turn, how we should feel about it. So, you get to this stage of the game and you’re like, wait a minute, why don’t I feel happy?
In this week’s episode, I spill 6 suuuuper common ways you may be stifling your own happiness and ALL of them are typically done subconsciously… so yeah, you prob have no idea you’re even doing them! Have a listen and get your happy back. Boom.
This pod explores:
- Why your value system is EVERYTHING and probably the biggest factor in your personal joy (even though it’s such a YAWN! topic… I get it)
- Why your routine and auto-pilot schedule may be squashing your happiness + how to shift it
- How to navigate the constant need for approval… ugh
- How to make choices on purpose instead of constantly residing in SHOULDsville, USA
If you’re DONE feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed out because you’re constantly doing, doing, doing for everyone else, then you must grab your seat in this brand-new workshop! You’ll learn the exact five-step process I take my clients through so they can let go of all the stress and angst of striving for “perfect” and caring waaaaay too much what everyone else thinks.
It’s time to finally believe in yourself, find that self-confidence you crave, and start living your life for YOU. So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR or click that image to the right to get on The List! #yourewelcome
You in on this FREE badassery yet? You are officially invited to my super exclusive/inclusive, [grin] Facebook group, The Joy Junkie After Hours Club!
If you’ve been diggin’ the pod, this group will be an extra dose of support, training vids, discussions, coupon codes, behind the scenes and advice from moi! Plus, it’s #totes free and your new soul tribe is waiting for you!
So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR or click that image to the right to join the group! #yourewelcome
Additional Resources:
- Grab your seat at my workshop!! FOR FREE!!
- Join the After Hours Club: Join the rest of the pod-iance in our secret pod peep group for weekly discussions, extra trainings, and tons of freebies
- Anti-Racism Education Series – I am planning on creating a special series with anti-racism activists and leaders to better educate our community on steps we can take in order to be better and do better. Let me know where you have been feeling stuck, what knowledge you are hungry for, and what topics you are interested in.
- POD #242 – How to Get Rid of the Takers In Your Life
- POD #298 – 4 Steps To Silencing Your Inner Shit-talker
- POD #301 – Combatting Approval Addiction: Needing To Be Liked At All Costs
- The Five Minute Journal
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- You can also click “Subscribe” under the podcast photo to be automatically notified of new episodes
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