Dealing with a major life transition can be one of the most emotionally taxing and exhausting things we go through as humans. Not to mention that our society doesn’t look fondly on processing emotion and expects you to “put on a happy face” because “the show must go on”. Sometimes we’re working through an intentional life transition, like choosing to start your own business, and other times we get nailed with a life pivot out of nowhere. As in, your partner abruptly leaves the relationship, or you’re dealing with a devastating diagnosis or processing the death of a loved one.
No matter where you fall on the “pivot continuum”, it is likely that you will have a slew of emotions to navigate. So, where do you start? Is there a rubric or framework to follow? Some box you can check that states “You have successfully navigated this transition”? Hardly. This week on the show, I dial up Deb Cummins Stellato, a life and leadership coach who supports successful women seeking the courage to make pivots.
In this juicy conversation, Deb and I look at the role courage plays in all our life transitions whether you are pivoting to a new job or dealing with a traumatic illness. We discuss the major characteristics of thinking courageously, and the steps you can take to set yourself up for success if you’re processing a life pivot. We look at creating a safe community for yourself, leaning into accepting help (gah!), and what it means to listen to your intuition.
This pod explores:
- The major characteristics of women who think courageously as they deal with life pivots
- The difference between navigating an intentional transition (Ie. choosing to leave a job) versus dealing with a major life curveball (Ie. a sudden death or diagnosis)
- Deb’s definition of a life pivot and understanding where you may fall on the continuum
- Deb’s favorite vocabulary tool to switch up how you’ve been viewing your current transition
I have three battle-tested (and badass) keynote speeches that are ready to be delivered to your company, organization, group, or association. If you or anyone you know could benefit from me droppin’ some gems (um, like, who couldn’t use some new tools?) please send them to THIS FANCY INFO PAGE on my site where you/they can message me directly about specific needs.
This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and The Bold-Faced Truth Podcast listeners get 10% off their first month at or simply enter code boldtruth at checkout. Hello!!
Join the millions of people who have found huge relief and support from BetterHelp therapists and save on your first month while you’re at it! Check it out ~>
- POD #451: Breaking Unhealthy Relationship Patterns + Making Marriage Work With Figs O’Sullivan
- POD #452: Keeping Love Alive – A Peek Inside Our Relationship, Part 1
- POD #453: Keeping Love Alive – A Peek Inside Our Relationship, Part 2
- Atlas of the Heart, Brené Brown
Learn more about Deb and her organization Think Good Company.
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