Listen. ⠀
I don’t know ANYONE who is thriving right now. Seriously a n y o n e.
Shit is beyond crazy. Like many of us may not see again in our lifetime.
If you have been trying to operate like “business as usual” you probably need to knock that shit off.
It is NOT business as usual. ⠀
Nothing is business as usual. Nothing.⠀
We are dealing with copious amounts of stress, massive civil unrest, loss of personal freedom, loss of safety, extreme changes in our work/financial/child-rearing/social lives, grappling with our white supremacy, and overall grieving our mutha-fuckin’ asses off. Not to mention this isolation has us lonely AF.
And if you tend to like to control things, well, it’s likely that you’ve been having one hellova time.
And what does all that grief and loneliness lead to?
You guessed it… a severe lack of motivation.
It’s time to stop acting like it’s business as usual. ⠀
Give yourself extra time. ⠀
Extra grace. ⠀
Loosen up on those expectations.⠀
Settle into some serious self-care. And sometimes that looks like journalling or talking to a therapist and sometimes it looks like ice cream and a Netflix binge. ⠀
Now is NOT the time to judge yourself. ⠀
You are doing the best you can.⠀
And that looks different than 6 months ago. ⠀
That’s okay.⠀
We’re going to get through this. ⠀
But right now… right now is the time for some serious-ass grace.
This week’s episode digs into this concept much deeper as I explore six key components you need to be aware of if you’ve been seriously unmotivated or lonely during quarantine.
This pod explores:
- Understanding our biological needs for connection and how that is contributing to depression, sadness, and severe lack of motivation
- How our goals need to shift and change to feel powerful during this time
- Understanding how our sympathetic nervous system is fried and continuing to push can lead to serious illness
- My easy-to-implement tips to usher in serious self-care, rest, and ease during this effed-up time
If you’re DONE feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed out because you’re constantly doing, doing, doing for everyone else, then you must grab your seat in this brand-new workshop! You’ll learn the exact five-step process I take my clients through so they can let go of all the stress and angst of striving for “perfect” and caring waaaaay too much what everyone else thinks.
It’s time to finally believe in yourself, find that self-confidence you crave, and start living your life for YOU. So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR or click that image to the right to get on The List! #yourewelcome
You in on this FREE badassery yet? You are officially invited to my super exclusive/inclusive, [grin] Facebook group, The Joy Junkie After Hours Club!
If you’ve been diggin’ the pod, this group will be an extra dose of support, training vids, discussions, coupon codes, behind the scenes and advice from moi! Plus, it’s #totes free and your new soul tribe is waiting for you!
So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR or click that image to the right to join the group! #yourewelcome
Additional Resources:
- Grab your seat at my workshop!! FOR FREE!!
- Join the After Hours Club: Join the rest of the pod-iance in our secret pod peep group for weekly discussions, extra trainings, and tons of freebies
- Anti-Racism Education Series – I am planning on creating a special series with anti-racism activists and leaders to better educate our community on steps we can take in order to be better and do better. Let me know where you have been feeling stuck, what knowledge you are hungry for, and what topics you are interested in.
- Is Chronic Loneliness Real?
- POD #288 – Dealing with Loneliness
- POD #338 – The *Real* Reasons You’re Mad + Sad, Part 1
- POD #339 – The *Real* Reasons You’re Mad + Sad, Part 2
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