You’re livid. Heads are about to roll. Maybe you found out that your partner didn’t take care of an important issue at your child’s school leaving you scrambling at the last minute. Or perhaps your sister went behind your back and shared something with other family members when you specifically asked her not to. Or maybe you can’t listen to the news, get direction from *you know who* at work, or drive to the gym without feeling like you could punch someone (or many someones) in the teeth.
Listen, up, Babycakes. Anger is real. It’s a natural, human reaction to feeling wronged, threatened, or victimized. But, if you’re like many peeps, you have never been given the tools to navigate anger in a healthy way without plummeting head first into an addiction, a physical altercation, or massively regretting everything you just said/did… like, damaging property or something.
So, is the trick to not get mad? Of course not. In the first half of this episode, I address a simple, four-step process to dealing with a fit of anger… whether it’s been festering for years or if it just hit you today. In the second portion, I spell out some Dos and Don’ts around working with your anger. This process will allow you feel waaaaay more in control, create a ton of permission to be your messy, human self, and get to the root issues so you can get back to your badassery.
This pod explores:
- Why processing your anger is actually essential for your health (What!? I know.)
- How to channel your anger in a way that feels massively healing and cathartic (instead of riddled with guilt and regret)
- My favorite tool for figuring out the “real” issue behind what’s pissing you off, so you can make some real and lasting change
- How to ask for what you need in a way that actually gets you heard… and gets results
If you’re DONE feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed out because you’re constantly doing, doing, doing for everyone else, then you must grab your seat in this brand-new workshop! You’ll learn the exact five-step process I take my clients through so they can let go of all the stress and angst of striving for “perfect” and caring waaaaay too much what everyone else thinks.
It’s time to finally believe in yourself, find that self-confidence you crave, and start living your life for YOU. So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR or click that image to the right to get on The List! #yourewelcome
Additional Resources:
- Grab your seat at my workshop!! FOR FREE!!
- Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience, Brené Brown
- Atlas of the Heart: A Sisters Book Club, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
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