It’s likely that those two words spark an emotion in you. If you’re a self-lovin’ introvert, those words may sound like heaven, but I would guess a majority of people view “being alone” as a negative and undesirable situation. Our society glorifies busy-ness and applauds shutting down our emotions, so is really that surprising that so many people grapple with loneliness? I think not. Not to mention that the idea of NOT being partnered in some way leaves many people feeling like there must be something wrong with them. I mean… no one in a relationship is lonely… Right? Right!? Um. Not exactly.
The reality is – We feel loneliness for a number of reasons, two of them being 1) An overwhelming desire to connect with others and 2) An inability to be comfortable with self. Now, you might be thinking, “No shit! Of course I want to connect with others!” But, it’s not always that simple. You may be surrounded by a TON of people, have a vast social network, and still feel lonely as fuck. Why? Because your current relationships aren’t intimate and rich, leaving you wanting for more.
Or perhaps you find yourself in the latter category… just not comfortable being alone with who you are… your thoughts and emotions. Regardless which camp you may fall in (or a hybrid of both), I sound off on exactly what you can do to bust through the loneliness you feel, reclaim your personal power, and create amazing, rich connections in your life.
This pod explores:
- A new, empowering perspective around the word “loneliness” + how it will instantly make you feel a shit-ton better
- How keeping your walls up is keeping you lonely AF
- How to take an inventory of your current relationships to gauge the richness and intimacy
- How to deal if you feel like you don’t deserve rich connections
Is this the year you go from a people-pleasing, guilt-tripped perfectionist to a bold and boundaried badass? Um, yeah. I think it is!
If you’re DONE feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed out because you’re constantly doing, doing, doing for everyone else, then you must grab your seat in this brand-new workshop! You’ll learn the exact five-step process I take my clients through so they can let go of all the stress and angst of striving for “perfect” and caring waaaaay too much what everyone else thinks.
It’s time to finally believe in yourself, find that self-confidence you crave, and start living your life for YOU. So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR or click that image to the right to get on The List! #yourewelcome
You in on this FREE badassery yet? You are officially invited to my super exclusive/inclusive, [grin] Facebook group, The Joy Junkie After Hours Club!
If you’ve been diggin’ the pod, this group will be an extra dose of support, training vids, discussions, coupon codes, behind the scenes and advice from moi! Plus, it’s #totes free and your new soul tribe is waiting for you!
So, clickety-click RIGHT HUURRR or click that image to the right to join the group! #yourewelcome
Additional Resources:
- Join the After Hours Club: Join the rest of the pod-iance in our secret pod peep group for weekly discussions, extra trainings, and tons of freebies
- POD #172 – Vulnerability: Why It’s Scary as Shit, Why You Need It, and Where to Start
- POD #258 – Believing You are ‘Enough’
- Loneliness article by Psychology Today Magazine
- Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are – TED Talk by Amy Cuddy
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