Speak Up for Yourself without Being a Dick: 9 Proven Strategies to Radically Improve Your Self-Confidence and Self-Worth is your first line of defense again unnecessary people-pleasing and rampant imposter complex.
Get into action with nine proven exercises designed to aid you in having tough conversations, speaking kindly to yourself, and establishing powerful boundaries.
If you have found yourself struggling with racing thoughts, obsessing over things out of your control, and riddled with fear over the “what ifs”, you should probably have a listen or two (or twenty) to this hot little number.
This guided hypnosis meditation will aid you in letting go of stressful things you can’t control and anchor you into your personal power. (And, not to worry, you won’t be clucking like a chicken… that’s actually not even a thing.)
The Bold-Faced Truth podcast is a personal growth podcast for the high-achieving woman looking to attain some serious self-worth, establish powerful boundaries, and gain unwavering self-confidence.
If you need to let go of perfectionism, people-pleasing, and debilitating self-doubt, you’ll benefit from the science-backed tools, tactics, and exercises presented every week. Have a look through the back catalogue of over 500 episodes!

Speak Up for Yourself without Being a Dick: 9 Proven Strategies to Radically Improve Your Self-Confidence and Self-Worth is your first line of defense again unnecessary people-pleasing and rampant imposter complex.
Get into action with nine proven exercises designed to aid you in having tough conversations, speaking kindly to yourself, and establishing powerful boundaries.

If you have found yourself struggling with racing thoughts, obsessing over things out of your control, and riddled with fear over the “what ifs”, you should probably have a listen or two (or twenty) to this hot little number.
This guided hypnosis meditation will aid you in letting go of stressful things you can’t control and anchor you into your personal power. (And, not to worry, you won’t be clucking like a chicken… that’s actually not even a thing.)

The Bold-Faced Truth podcast is a personal growth podcast for the high-achieving woman looking to attain some serious self-worth, establish powerful boundaries, and gain unwavering self-confidence.
If you need to let go of perfectionism, people-pleasing, and debilitating self-doubt, you’ll benefit from the science-backed tools, tactics, and exercises presented every week. Have a look through the back catalogue of over 500 episodes!
Amy taught me how to set ninja boundaries and speak my truth with grace and kindness. ~ Kim Carroll, CA